View Full Version : off dairy products? serious?

01-04-07, 22:03
sorry if this sounds ridiculous and trivial. I've been anxiety free for months but have relapsed

after my dinner i decided to have some bananas and custard. i grabbed the carton of ready made stuff out the cupboard. whilst eating i noticed it seemed quite thick and stodgy (i'd had a fair amount at this point) then when i looked at the carton it said december 2006. i rushed to the toilet to make my self sick (my partners already given me the lecture)
is it really dangerous if i'd consumed gone off custard? whats the worse that can happen? i feel like headed and weak.

it never ceases to amaze me the things that set me off

rachel x x

01-04-07, 22:40

Try and remember the sell-by-dates are only recommended and most are to tell us that the food may not be as good after that date - not that they will cause us any harm.

It will be full of preservatives etc so I am sure you will be fine.

01-04-07, 23:47
Making yourself vomit can cause light headedness and a feeling of being weak. It's not a good idea. Of course anxiety can too

Go easy on yourself tonight.

Karen x

02-04-07, 04:21
There is a difference between "use by" and "best before".

Use by is generally on the fresh produce counters and do generally need to be eaten when it says, by best befores are on tins, cartons, boxes....and are only have dates as a guideline.

Hope you're feeling better :)

Sarah x

02-04-07, 04:30
I personally never pay any attention to 'Sell By', 'Use By' or 'Best Before' dates on produce. (in fact, they come in handy for grabbing a bargain at the Supermarket)

As Nic said, Your carton of Custard most definately had an endless list of preservatives etc, and a risk to your health is tiny.

Hope you feel better in the morning.
