View Full Version : Worried about my mom

24-10-16, 20:13
She went to the emergency room for chest pain. She described it as tightness and pressure. I'm trying not to freak out but my thoughts are pulling me down. I'm hoping it's just stress because she has her own anxiety issues. I don't want anything to be wrong. I can barely cope with my own mental health issues. I hate this.

24-10-16, 20:49
pretty common symptoms of a million mild things, nothing you can improve by worrying i know it's hard to stop but no bad situation is even slightly improved by imagining worse when there is nothing you could do to change the outcome. Just remember, even if it was the worst thing, your negative thoughts actually can make it phycually more stressful for your mother, try to be the positive outlook around the one that is calm and accepting of fate it will be the best you can do for you mom and you.