View Full Version : Stomach issues

24-10-16, 21:43
Hi there,

I'm really not feeling great tonight. Basically I've had this on going stomach ache for a while now, sometimes diarreah sometimes constipation and feeling a bit bloated with nasuea.
I'm going through so much in my head right now that it's hard to think it's not cancer. My main worry for a while has been ovarian cancer and just convinced I've got it and suddenly now I have all the stomach issues to go with it. I've cried and cried tonight as I think my cancer has passed the helping stage and what do I do if I'm told I'm going to die?
How do I tell my family? How do I go on living for a little bit longer knowing I won't see my parents be grandparents. My stomach is in bits as I speak to u and I dread what worry tomorrow brings with thinking it's another day of my cancer spreading.
I don't know what to do or think. Is anyone around to chat?


24-10-16, 22:12
Hi Katy. Sorry to hear you are in such a bad way.

The stomach and digestive system is such a fickle thing sometimes. It can easily be upset, especially in the modern world when so much food is processed, and designed for our tongues and not our tummies.

Focus on what you know you do have.

Stomach issues.

EVERYONE will have stomach issues, 20-30 times throughout their lives.

You are going through it now.

Focus on getting yourself feeling better. Eat well. Drink well. Sleep well.

See your Doctor if it doesnt improve.

Ultimately, relax. It happens to everyone, and we all go through multiple illnesses in our lives. 99.9999% of which we happily recover from.