View Full Version : Fireworks and pets

Polar Bear
25-10-16, 09:55
After an awful time around this time of year last year my anxiety at the moment is awful

I've got a really lively dog who because of some idiots last year letting extremely loud fireworks off totally illegally my dog reacted to fireworks ever since. She barks continuously and loudly and is terrified. We have been trying to desensitise her to the sounds and trying to distract her etc. In the UK of course it used to be one night but now it's weeks on end. The fireworks started last weekend. I'm dreading this coming weekend and the next. Halloween was when it all started last year. Feel nobody cares either. I phoned the police a couple of times last year and they are just too busy. My MP is no use either his family make their money from guess what.... yes fireworks!

The problem is trying to stay calm myself to try to help the dog, but that's easier said than done! I'm stressed out at the moment as we are in the process of selling our house, and as people in England and Wales will know that's a nightmare. We had one house lined up to buy and they then just pulled out weeks down the line so we were then trying to find something else suitable to buy whilst hoping the people buying ours and their buyers don't start changing their minds. It's a stupid way of doing things.

Anyway back to the fireworks. My wife is trying to help me keep calm and to not think about what may happen. Generally I'm mentally all over the place with anxiety and depression and I'm struggling to really see how I can improve things. I seem to be on a rollercoaster. I can feel ok then something happens and I'm angry, anxious etc again. I let the little things get to me even stupid things like my shoelaces coming undone can get me angry. I despair of ever improving this state I'm in. I have resisted going back onto medication and I haven't had any counselling for a while and maybe I should start going again.

My emotions are all over the place and I hope I'm making some sort of sense here!

How do I start again to make a real effort to change things around?

25-10-16, 10:05
Hi Polar Bear,

Will worrying about it change anything?

If its any consolation, I also hate the fireworks night/fortnight. I actually love fireworks, just not the whole period.

I have a one and a half-year-old who is in bed by 7, so every loud bang and explosion is one that might potentially wake her up.

The source of the frustration and anxiety, I think, is an ego thing.

"How dare people let off such loud explosions in the evening!?"

It IS, in some sense, an evasion of your personal space. It can be a source of great anger and stress.

But none of that anger and stress will solve anything, and actually is the source of all of your problems.

So the only thing you can really do is accept it.

Polar Bear
25-10-16, 10:39
Thanks SLA.

I've been looking at the positive thoughts thread on here lately and certainly the quotes around the problems being our own attitudes to difficulties we face making the difference have struck a chord. As you say worrying doesn't make a difference.

I haven't been thinking of it as an ego thing but that's a good point. Just been thinking bad of these people (certainly the group that were near our house last year were being irresponsible).

Acceptance is hard but I do need to try to change my attitude to things. I've felt exhausted lately and feeling at the end of my tether. I've stuggled for years and I have to improve things. Accepting things more maybe a first step!

Thanks for your help

25-10-16, 10:51
It is possible to buy calming products at pet shops/vets. I think there are fireworks CDs which can help desensitise animals - are you using these?
Can only advise drawing curtains & keeping radio/tv on & being there for your dog. try to distract & plenty of tlc.
1 night of fireworks is ok, but nowadays it lasts a week or 2! Its a pain - perhaps people have too much money! Maybe you could think "I'm saving my money to buy xxxxx, these idiots are being ripped off & wasting their hard earned cash!"

25-10-16, 14:55
Hi , my older dog is the same always has been she's a panting wreck when the fireworks start before we've even heard them , what we have noticed the more you try to calm her down the worse she gets so we just pull the curtains turn up the tv and ignor her she settles down by herself ,got a new pup now so we'll have to see how she goes she's not so nervous in general so maybe she will be ok , take care .

25-10-16, 15:15
Hi Polar Bear I feel your pain! I have a beautiful Staffy Bull Terrier who is now 9years old she has never liked fire
works it got the point where she was trying to dig through a concrete floor I have been a member on a dogforum for years and have seeked much advice on bringing up a head strong dog any way I few years ago I asked if there was a product to help my dog was given loads of advice and tried Rescue Remedy it's saved the day comes in a smalll bottle and is flower based so no nasty harnful chemicals and no side effects and really does work. What it does it switches off the part of the brain that processes fear
so doesn't knock the dog out but gently keeps them clam 4 or 5 drops before it goes dark will do the job
or the same amount in the water bowl will give a real boost so please try it and is worth every penny :)
You can get it from Holland and Barrat and it's meant for us but can be safely used on dogs and even anxious horses too :) Good luck

26-10-16, 08:12
My dog was unhappy with fireworks from a pup. He's been much better as he got older and now they only bother him if there are loud bangers near the house or funny sounding rockets close. Then he goes and hides behind my dad's chair as it's the spot in the living room most resembling a hide to him.

We just comfort him until it's over. It's really just the main few nights we have these issues now thankfully. The weeks of stupid idiots letting them off tends to be a bit further away from the houses on the waste ground areas.

The idiots that set them off at 3am need a banger up the backside!

26-10-16, 08:40
I bloomin hate fireworks night, sorry, month.

I've always had dogs and they've responded to the fireworks with varying degrees of stress. One year we had to replace the carpet because my little Jack Russell cross TOTALLY lost the plot, despite being tranqed. That was a night to remember!:ohmy:

We have a lurcher now and while she manages to keep her bodily fluids in, she jumps a mile every time a banger goes off so I bought one of those calming plugs you can get from the pet shops. It stinks to high heaven but it does seem to calm her a bit. I also turn the radio and TV up and give her loads of TLC.

I used to get VERY stressed about this time of year but I tell myself now that while I have no control over what other people do (including the selfish gits who are still letting fireworks off in the early hours) I can make sure that it's the least stressful for my pooch as it can be.

26-10-16, 10:36
Has anyone seen those thunder jacket things? I remember seeing those a few years back, I don't know what they are like though. I think they were using acupressure points.

27-10-16, 06:40
Where I live many considerate pet owners book a night at a hotel near the airport, where fireworks are not allowed because of the planes. Not at all usual.

27-10-16, 06:47
A pet hotel!

That's the only other time you can get away with a poo on the rug other than if the Rolling Stones are staying...:winks:

Polar Bear
27-10-16, 09:04
Thanks for your comments and suggestions everyone. Sorry to hear that some of you and your dogs have to go through this problem as well. We have tried various calming products and they work to a certain extent. Think we tried Rescue Remedy as well but may be worth another go. One thing that had been suggested to us that we have been giving the dog is porridge which again seems to help a bit.

We seem to be in a bit of a lull at the moment with the fireworks but think it will kick off big time this weekend. Definitely going to draw the curtains and try to deaden the noise as best we can. I also need to try to relax a bit more as I'm sure that isn't helping either.

We went away for new year last year to get away from new year's eve. May do that again. Just need to get through the next few weeks.

Thanks again for your help.

Polar Bear
31-10-16, 21:42
An update on our situation.

Had 4 nights of it from Friday so far. Saturday our dog was going crackers. Really worried about her. Sunday somehow it wasn't as bad. Turned up the TV and also playing some calming music, shutting all the curtains etc. Able to drown out a lot of the bangs and the dog, if she heard them, calmed down a lot quicker than she ever has.

I'm still a bag of nerves as when I hear a noise I'm expecting the dog to start to go crazy. It started at 6pm this evening and still going on out there. We seem to be having about 5 hours each night so far.

Just hope that after this weekend it all starts to peter out a bit. Doesn't seem any logic though as to when people set these things off.

I hate them!

01-11-16, 11:08
Well there are products out there again try Rescue Remedy it really helps keep dopgs calm and you can take it too it's very calming you have nothing to lose good luck:)

Polar Bear
01-11-16, 12:14
Thanks. Yes will try it myself as well

01-11-16, 12:27
Sorry if it's been mentioned but what about Adaptil? Not sure if it would work but the vet always recommends the cat version for our cats for stressful situations such as vet trips etc.

Luckily our 3 cats aren't bothered by fireworks they just go onto the windowsill to inspect.

03-11-16, 00:51
We have two labs who are both scared of bangs and fireworks. The youngest is a rescue dog and is very anxious and tries to dig in corners of rooms to get out. It can seriously take until 2am to calm him down.
We prepare well....curtains drawn and duvets over Windows to stop the noise. About a week before we make a safe den with duvets over it and blankets with familiar smells and a radio in there just in case.
Adaptil works well. We use the plugin room vaporiser plus the spray which us concentrated. We also have thunder jackets fir them both which wok by compression on sensitive areas. They're expensive but so worth it.
A long walk before dark plus a big dinner with carbs makes them sleep or give them a bone to take their minds off any early bangs.
Good luck!
Don't get anxious yourself as this is passed onto them. Take deep breaths and think that it isn't your fault but at least you're helping you pet cope well with the problem.
Message me if you want any tips about how anything works!

03-11-16, 07:12
we are not to bad here they start a few days before the 5th and new year witch is a big thing here in scotland ,my labrador is nine and hates fireworks she shakes and is very scared bless her .we close the curtains put on classical music and give lots of cuddles

Polar Bear
03-11-16, 09:09
Thanks All. Sorry to hear about your dogs out there who also have problems with all of this.

Phil - Thanks for the further tips. I don't think I help as I do get anxious.

I'm the one at home most of the time and have been taking the dog out before dark. The past 2 nights have been quieter although some early (6pm) fireworks have been going off but then it has been a bit better.

05-11-16, 19:23
Those rocket bangers really stress me out for some reason. I'd forgotten it was Guy Fawkes night until I was doing the dishes this evening and one went off over the hedge not far from me. Since then, they've been going off every minute or couple of minutes.

I've got nothing against fireworks night and in fact have happy memories of it from my own childhood, but what happened to pretty fireworks, as opposed to ones which seem to simulate a war zone? I know that people who have experienced a real war will object to that, but you know what I mean.

05-11-16, 20:16
Terry I saw the thunder jacket advertised on the telly the other day. Looks good (and expensive haha).
I am lucky - my lab isn't fazed by fireworks - he lets off the odd growl now and again but they don't bother him

05-11-16, 20:20
Well 8.15 and fireworks have been full on for three hours , nine year old dogs was climbing the walls for about an hour we totally ignored her and she's calmed down they are still going off and she gone to sleep give her any attention and she goes potty , 8 month old pup isn't bothered in the slightest let her out for a pee and she stayed out there with fireworks going off in all directions even had to shout her back in , soon be over in time for new year , but I must admit I do like them .

06-11-16, 07:03
Terry I saw the thunder jacket advertised on the telly the other day. Looks good (and expensive haha).
I am lucky - my lab isn't fazed by fireworks - he lets off the odd growl now and again but they don't bother him

Carnation hates the thunder, I wonder if they make these things for us too? :winks:

Sounds like your dog just gets annoyed by them.

---------- Post added at 07:03 ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 ----------

Those rocket bangers really stress me out for some reason. I'd forgotten it was Guy Fawkes night until I was doing the dishes this evening and one went off over the hedge not far from me. Since then, they've been going off every minute or couple of minutes.

I've got nothing against fireworks night and in fact have happy memories of it from my own childhood, but what happened to pretty fireworks, as opposed to ones which seem to simulate a war zone? I know that people who have experienced a real war will object to that, but you know what I mean.

It's the bangers I hate. I just don't see the point of them.

With a rocket you see something. With a Catherine wheel or the standing types you see something. Bangers just fart out a loud noise. :doh:

06-11-16, 10:18
Thundershirts do work but you can also use a small t shirt or a half wrap https://www.thedodo.com/dogs-fireworks-trick-1529471151.html

I keep a couple of knitted scarves to use on my lot and they really do make a huge difference.

06-11-16, 11:40
Those rocket bangers really stress me out for some reason. I'd forgotten it was Guy Fawkes night until I was doing the dishes this evening and one went off over the hedge not far from me. Since then, they've been going off every minute or couple of minutes.

I've got nothing against fireworks night and in fact have happy memories of it from my own childhood, but what happened to pretty fireworks, as opposed to ones which seem to simulate a war zone? I know that people who have experienced a real war will object to that, but you know what I mean. They are very loud too, Yes I had happy memories too as a child in our garden at home on Nov 5 ( it was usually a couple of days before and a couple of days after now it's when ever very sad imho) putting the rockets in empty milk bottles ( use them as stands!) Happy days. The firework laws in my opinion need changing but guess they wont

06-11-16, 17:20
They are very loud too, Yes I had happy memories too as a child in our garden at home on Nov 5 ( it was usually a couple of days before and a couple of days after now it's when ever very sad imho) putting the rockets in empty milk bottles ( use them as stands!) Happy days. The firework laws in my opinion need changing but guess they wont

Agreed, and they should only be in the hands of (or supervised by) responsible people.. I had a firework thrown at me when I was younger and on my way home from the youth club; luckily, the person throwing it was a rotten thrower.

It's the bangers I hate. I just don't see the point of them.

With a rocket you see something. With a Catherine wheel or the standing types you see something. Bangers just fart out a loud noise. :doh:
Agreed again.

Polar Bear
07-11-16, 15:37
I have to agree that they are just too loud now and they just seem to go on for weeks. Saturday was awful here. Not so bad as I'd feared last night. Problem is there doesn't seem to be any logic as to when they go off (in terms of dates - first ones I heard here were on 22nd October!). I've phoned the police twice when fireworks have been set off nearby illegally (in a public area near a main rail line!). Last year I phoned and they didn't want to know this year they seem to have taken a bit more notice.

It's just got completely out of hand. I signed the petition earlier this year which was debated in parliament. The MP's all seemed to speak about changes being needed then nothing happened because the minister didn't see the need. What a farce!

07-11-16, 15:55
I have to agree that they are just too loud now and they just seem to go on for weeks. Saturday was awful here. Not so bad as I'd feared last night. Problem is there doesn't seem to be any logic as to when they go off (in terms of dates - first ones I heard here were on 22nd October!). I've phoned the police twice when fireworks have been set off nearby illegally (in a public area near a main rail line!). Last year I phoned and they didn't want to know this year they seem to have taken a bit more notice.

It's just got completely out of hand. I signed the petition earlier this year which was debated in parliament. The MP's all seemed to speak about changes being needed then nothing happened because the minister didn't see the need. What a farce! Hardly democractic eh what a waste of time (: