View Full Version : ROCD triggers

25-10-16, 13:44
Hi all
I've just experienced a trigger for a new bout of this theme (YAY says no one ever!)

Has anyone had a trigger/spike when they find out a friend has broken up with their partner?

And ... how do you beat that?

Love and Anxiety!! Agh!!!!

26-10-16, 12:18
Is this common?
Or just me? :(

30-10-16, 16:14
Please can anyone relate to this? I've just got engaged and I'm trying to squash this Dow. I never used to feel like this with my fiancé. But now I have urges to breakup with him. It makes me feel sick my stomach.

30-10-16, 19:27
Why would you want to break up? Has anything in particular just happened?

31-10-16, 03:33
No. I ask myself this and come up empty. Just a few days ago I was fine and happy in the relationship. I felt love for him. Now I'm just anxious and tearful about the thought I have to leave him (I don't know why I have to!)

I have had hocd, health anxiety, pocd, tocd and fear of the supernatural.
You'd think after having these themes cycle round I'd be okay with it, and be like "oh this is just my brain doing this thing." but this feels so real and awful and I feel so guilty. My fiancé has been so good with me. He know everything and is still patient and accepting.

31-10-16, 04:09
it sounds like intrusive thoughts i.e your worst nightmare being brought to the front of your mind. i often have these types of negative thoughts and play out in my head the scenario and half convince myself that it must happen. i call it bad over thinking. you are really fortunate to have someone that lovely and understanding around you its just your mind over analysing dont feel guilty

31-10-16, 20:47
Thankyou that means a lot. It's so crazy I used to feel so good and excited to be with him, now it's vanished. I remember when I first thought about harming others(harm OCD?)/ fearing I was going crazy and thought at least I know I love him. Now I just feel Numb and can't get relief from my thoughts or this knowledge, like it's not going in?! ��

No matter how much I google to see if other are thinking the same I don't feel better.

05-12-16, 12:26
Hi there, yes I've had the same triggers with ROCD, of close friends breaking up. I believe it's quite a common one.

ROCD is a horrible theme, but it does pass (or get swapped for another theme, hohoho), and all you have to do is do your usual OCD management stuff - medication, mindfulness, or whatever works for you, and it will recede. Try to just take it one day at a time and don't make any sudden moves!

Wishing you lots of luck x