View Full Version : Anyone gasp for air when trying to relax?

02-04-07, 00:39
I've started having this problem a few months ago. I may have posted about this before, I'm not sure. The last few nights when I am trying to fall asleep but I'm not there yet, I will gasp. It's like my breath is taken away. If I open my eyes and keep awake, it doesn't happen. But when I start to relax again it will happen. Sometimes several times before I sleep. I have never woke up gasping, it's only when I'm trying to fall asleep. Actually, last night, however, I was lying on the bed watching t.v. and I didn't feel like I was breathing properly and it happened a few times. Isn't this strange? I don't think it's sleep apnea. I'm not overweight, I don't smoke and I don't have asthma. It's like my body has forgotten how to breathe properly. It seems like the only time I breathe properly is in the morning when I first wake up.

Does anyone else have this problem? I hate it. It is so scary. Occasionally, I'll take a sleeping pill but not often.

02-04-07, 02:39
I used to get this ages ago.I had to think to make myself breathe.
I really don't know what to suggest as it just went away by itself.
Phill :shades:

02-04-07, 18:14
hi ro 44
If you look back a month or 2 ago i posted exactly the same topic as you!!!! i cant beleive it.
This has been happening to me for a few months and its really scarey isnt it?
Its just as im drifting off and BAM......so scarey.
I wish i could say that ive found the solution, but sadly i havent........not yet.
Doc has given me sleeping pills and they help, but i dont want to become addicted.

Please if anyone has any ideas on how to master this awful symptom...-please help?

take care
tracie xx

03-04-07, 00:21
ps...... now im worrying that i have that apnea? im not overweight but i do smoke!!!!
However the doc didnt seem worried at all.

06-04-07, 21:41
Just posting to say that I also get this and it's thoroughly unpleasant. I haven't found anything that will stop these either. They're really nasty to wake up to.

06-04-07, 23:05
I get this sometimes, too, particularly when I am very anxious. For me, it happens just on the verge of sleep, as I am about to lose 'conscious' control of my breathing. For me, it's a control thing. When it does happen, I find the best ting to do is distract myself with a book or music or, sadly on occasion, a little alcohol until I just fall asleep. It is pants, though!

08-04-07, 10:27
Mmm, that happens to me too.
It's really weird...
Sorry I couldn't be of much help.
There are other people with your problem though, as you can see.

08-04-07, 13:26

09-04-07, 16:25
hi ro44

i used to get this when my anxiety was bad, try and relax if you can being to anxious can cause this as it did with me. I don't know if this will work but i used to take slow deep breathes for 5 sometimes it would work depending on how anxious i was. I hope it works for you.

linda x