View Full Version : Dementia or something

25-10-16, 20:22
Hi guys
Does anyone else get their words mixed up or struggle to take in new things or is it part and parcel of anxiety
I went to a job the other day and could not find wear I put my glasses I could not think of his address to write on the form he said I had fist signs of dementia well as you can imagine I was straight on it iv been testing my self ever since I have noticed I get my words mixed up and I struggle to think where I am working the full address etc it's worrying me and getting me down

25-10-16, 20:39
Sometimes we forget things. Occasionally we forget a few things in a row.

It's mostly down to tiredness I find.

Now that you are looking for moments when you mix up your words, you will find them a lot more than if you were not focussing on them.

Focus on all the times you remember things!

25-10-16, 20:41
A lot of people joke about dementia but if you`re worried then it`s not funny
lack of sleep, minor ailments, worries in general can all make your basic functions trip themselves up so whether its speaking, thinking, any basic cognition can have a wobble.

a lad in work often trips up on his words but makes a joke out of it saying `I`m having bubble with my worms` instead of trouble with my words and says he`s getting ann summers disease instead of alzheimers.

some days you soak up information and others you seem to struggle to do joined up writing, so I`d try not to worry too much on it.

25-10-16, 22:49
Thank you for your replys guys
much appreciated

25-10-16, 23:11
I've always been a fast talker (super fast). But when I'm stressed (this past year especially), I am barely even fluent when I'm speaking to people. My memory is an absolute joke. I think stress, tiredness, anxiety, hormones etc can all affect your memory and the likes.