View Full Version : Loose teeth :(

26-10-16, 04:40
Hello everyone,

I'm in absolute panic because i am afraid my two bottom front teeth are going to fall out; i am shaking as i'm writing this. My dentist told me I have gum recession on my two front bottom teeth because i have genetically thin gums. This was about 6 months ago, and now they feel very wobbly. I can definitely move them with my finger, and i feel as if I can move them with my tongue. I have an appointment with my dentist a week from today, but i'm so afraid they will fall out between then. I never noticed them being this loose until today. They can't get that loose overnight right? I am afraid I have bone loss or something, and that they will fall out. :(

26-10-16, 04:52
Can you actually see them moving in a mirror?

The reason I ask is that I've thought I can move my front bottom teeth and 1 tooth that is out of line (top right, after the canine) and I really did think I was moving it yet when I looked at the same time, they weren't moving at all. It was my anxious perception, that and probably how my skin on my finger and the flesh on my tongue moved as I did it.

I think it's very unlikely they would become loose over night unless you had a bang to the mouth to do so.

Sometimes things seem to creep up on you. I've found a gap widening next to my two bottom front teeth and it just sort of "appeared". That's how it felt, I just started noticing it. Initially I wondered if I needed to see my dentist because there was a problem but I soon got used to it and rationalised those thoughts that's it's just not possible for a tooth to decay so quickly without being damaged by blunt force.

Even now it can feel like they move sometimes but I know it's not the case.

26-10-16, 05:11
Yes, they are definitely moving. I even showed my mom and she agreed. I just don't know if it's "normal" movement or not, but it seems pretty significant to me. I'm afriad to eat anything or talk, because i'm afraid they will fall out. I don't have peridontal disease and I am only 21. I only have the slight gum recession due to genetics, and i feel like they should not be moving this much :/

26-10-16, 06:15
Then the question is whether the dentist believes it is normal or whether he/she needs to take some action to correct this for you?

I bet it must be a worry about them coming out with food like when teeth are naturally coming out. However, this may not be the case if the roots are good so it's definitely one to ask a dentist about. It's perhaps an idea not to eat with them for now though until you know?

02-11-16, 00:37
I just saw my dentist today. He took an x-ray of my mouth and said I have a little bit of bone loss. He adjusted my retainer because he thinks i'm clenching my teeth at night and that it's putting stress on those teeth. I'm so worried about the bone loss. I don't understand how I have it; i've always had good oral health. Never even had a cavity. I'm so worried i'm going to loose those teeth :/

02-11-16, 14:14
ah, clenched teeth. I know of someone's daughter who suffered from this, she met with her dentist and is fine now. It was stress related, too many activities scheduled.