View Full Version : Don't want to go to work

26-10-16, 09:49
I feel this way every day and get upset before I get up. Had counselling but it's not made me feel any better. :weep:

27-10-16, 12:06
What are the underlying reasons why you don't want to go to work?

It's a common feeling for a lot of people.

27-10-16, 13:54
With you on that one Phil.

My therapist thinks that my job is a significant contributing factor to my continued issues. I can't not go though, i need the money.

I would LOVE a couple of weeks off just to rest up.

27-10-16, 14:19
I'm the same (kind of, I'm not actually working). I haven't worked or studied for 3.5 years now and I can't even imagine going for an interview never mind working. I can't socialise, I'm tired all the time, I speak with a monotonous voice and feel highly stressed off the slightest things (for example if I accidentally bite my lip whilst eating I feel like crying, no exaggeration).

I would love to feel able to go out and get a job as regardless of what anybody says a life on benefits is in no way luxurious, it's degrading and depressing having no money to buy anything. I hate when relatives say ''wish I didn't have to work'' as though I'm living the good life.

30-10-16, 10:52
What are the underlying reasons why you don't want to go to work?

It's a common feeling for a lot of people.

I had a breakdown and was off work for a few months. I was glad to be back at first now I realise I hate my job.

I'm not sure how much longer I can keep working. Each shift feels a struggle right now. I have been looking for new jobs but it's only temp ones over Xmas. :blush:

30-10-16, 14:22
maybe look into a job that has 12hr shifts and flexibility to choose your days? That way you could work just 3 shifts and have 4 off. you still come away with 36hrs pay and 4 days to relax.

I dont know how common that type of work would be though, I think it is mainly factory work that runs in this way.

30-10-16, 21:34
I'm the same. Although I don't hate it,I'm very resentful of work and it causes me a lot of anxiety going to and from the workplace

30-10-16, 23:14
I don`t know many people who like going to work really, I have days where I wonder how life would be if I`d gone for this job, or done this course, or knew people in power or played golf etc etc but ultimately I have to decide pretty much moment by moment how do I want to feel today.
sometimes its out of our hands if we`re feeling very low or are ill, but most times there is some element of choice.
if it`s really getting you down then I`d put together the best cv you possibly can and upload it to one of the various job sites. if it`s more a matter of wishing you were financially able to not have to work at all then you`re probably in 99% of the population:D

try to get good regular sleep, get outside whenever you can and just see work as a way of putting money in your pocket.

I had 3 months off some years ago in the last place I worked and it was very hard going back but eventually it settled down

hope you feel better soon, or win on a scratchcard at least:yesyes: