View Full Version : MS Worries

26-10-16, 10:05
A few self explanatory reasons but i have scared myself by googling MS

Symptom: numb hand when waking, goes when i move it
Reason: very hard bed, do mostly sleep on this one side

Symptom: all over shivers occasionally
Reason : usually cold, goes away
when i warm up (umper ot blanket)

I am 26 and this is within the time frame of diagnosis

26-10-16, 10:44
When my son started teaching abroad he didn't have time to (trying to avoid obvious rude words here lol), let alone Google ��

Gary A
26-10-16, 10:55
A few self explanatory reasons but i have scared myself by googling MS

Symptom: numb hand when waking, goes when i move it
Reason: very hard bed, do mostly sleep on this one side

Symptom: all over shivers occasionally
Reason : usually cold, goes away
when i warm up (umper ot blanket)

I am 26 and this is within the time frame of diagnosis

You've just given two symptoms, explained the cause, then said you're worried anyway. :shrug:

26-10-16, 10:56
My dad had ms for 30+ years, those symptoms sound nothing like ms. My dad was diagnosed in his late 30's my sister when she was 40.

Gary A
26-10-16, 11:16
At this point it's verging on self harm. It's like you exhaust one illness and think to yourself "what horrible illness haven't I googled?"

You then attach normal bodily functions and sensations to whatever illness you've researched, and off we go again.

At what point do you realise that you're doing this to yourself? at what point do you start to actually do something about any of this?

26-10-16, 11:25
with all due respect to you Helen you appear to be going through a medical dictionary daily and once you have exhausted each imaginary illness you move on to the next one.in the past few weeks you have had a brain tumour Schizophrenia and now MS. As someone who has a very seriously disabled relative with MS I find it very distasteful that some one would come on here and play at having a disease like MS. LISTEN TO THE ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU. If you genuinely believe what you are saying , see a Physiatrist because they are your only hope!!

26-10-16, 11:32
As someone who has a very seriously disabled relative with MS I find it very distasteful that some one would come on here and play at having a disease like MS.

That's the whole HA board.

There are lots of MS threads on here. There are lots of cancer threads on here. Remember, none of you have cancer either yet posts are daily about it. We may all have people in our lives going through such things but if we are going to apply this rationale, apply it across the board.

I'm sorry you have a relative going through this kerryann.

26-10-16, 12:00
I'm with Terry here. As much as Helen frustrates us and needs a (gentler than some people give her IMHO) kick up the bum sometimes to stop her going down the pointless path she's on, and push her towards getting any correct help she needs (which sadly never works), I've had fears about leukaemia, MS and other diseases that in the cold light of rationality are ridiculous, and would make someone dealing with the actual disease laugh out loud or feel deeply insulted, depending what mood they're in.

I realise things are going to be triggers for some people, and pointing out a lived experience is nothing like people's fears should be enough to jolt people out of it (sadly this rarely happens in Helen's case either...), but NMP should be a place we can voice our ridiculous anxiety thoughts for others to talk us down, as long as people show respect to real sufferers where they occur.

I know it's easier said than done, especially with the increased pressure of anxiety. I don't want to make light of it. I have my moments too.

26-10-16, 12:21
I appreciate what you are saying and by and large would agree BUT Helen does not listen to a single piece of advice, and when I say playing at having MS I believe that there is a possibility that she is stringing us along whereas the vast majority of other posts by other people are genuine concerns.In all probability she does not have MS and the constant reassuring doesn't reassure her. HELEN if you are not a wind up merchant you need to see a Psychiatrist because you have a serious psychological problem!!!

29-10-16, 03:58
I woke up several times with stiff hand that went when i moved it once. I also had a hypnagogic hallucination of me saying 'i worry about breain tumours but ive already got one' and this has freaked me out massively.

29-10-16, 10:15
Also eorried im hallucinating as last night in corner of eye i thought lampshade moved once and today thiught i saw numbers on poster move out of corner of eye but there was a part of poster ripped and flapping by it.

This schizophrenia/BT worry is
out of control