View Full Version : Trying to be rational bloody cut myself again with scissors at work tetanus again?!

26-10-16, 14:03
So I'm trying to be rational but every cut I get now it's all I bloody worry about even though I did have a tdap at 15 and shots before anyway I felt terrible last night still do this morning sore throat. So I was at work
Talking about cars with someone went to cut string and youch clumsy me took about a mm of skin of the top of my index finger oh it bled washed IT out put a plaster on it took it off when I got home put some sudocrem on it.

But even after ive had shots I still worry Incase Theres a chance it'll develop :(

26-10-16, 14:11
Well, it's like zero chance of tetanus, unless you've been out in the garden, and then you've had the shots, so it's like zero times zero chance.

26-10-16, 21:13
I guess but I keep thinking there is that slight chance :(

26-10-16, 21:56
There's a slight chance of many many things. A solar flare could wipe us out in an instant at any time. But it's very unlikely.

There is no way you're at risk of tetanus. Not even a slight chance.

26-10-16, 23:39
Apparently in 2013 (the year NHS Choices lists) there were only seven cases of tetanus a year in the UK, which tend to be people who weren't vaccinated, or drug users. And none of them died.

When you think of all the people in the country, and how many minor knife or scissor accidents must happen every day, you must realise how unlikely it is, and if you're vaccinated it's as good as zero. It's seriously not worth worrying about.

27-10-16, 00:20
Just don't go to the gents with the scissors if you are planning on a conversation. :ohmy::winks:

27-10-16, 17:17
pmsl terry