View Full Version : Chest and Stomach Anxiety (I think!) sufferer finally introduces himself

26-10-16, 17:05
Hi all

Longtime lurker, first time poster here. As suggested by the admin, here's my story. Thanks in advance for reading.

I first started experiencing what seems to be anxiety symptoms 6 years ago and having managed to get them under control have found they've returned over the last few months. My symptoms are predominately chest and stomach related and started with a horrible spasm/fluttering feeling in my chest which is really hard to explain. Not a pain as such, but a discomfort which would last literally a second but would send me into a spin of "whats happening to me" " is this a heart attack" etc etc. What would often happen following this spasm would be a sensation of pressure building up which could be relieved by extending my chest, lifting my chin up to the sky and
forcing a kind of inwards burp to happen. Finally, I'd often be left with a heavy tight feeling towards the top of my stomach.

Numerous trips to the Doctors over a few months (Plenty of ECGS) and also a self paid for health scan at Bupa showed nothing of note and was put done to "Anxiousness" and I was recommended to try taking Zantac regularly.

I can't remember a point when things instantly got better but they did and I've been fine until a couple of months ago when the same symptoms have happened again. Starting with the spasm thing happening without any warning, usually when i'm sitting relaxing.

So, back to the doctors for me today and I'm to have Stool and Blood tests followed by a course of Lanzaprozole to see if we can sort it.

I found this site through a google search (I know...) and it's a fantastic resource of info and has helped ease a few concerns as well as been a focal point of concentration if I've been feeling panicky.

So, that's me, in a nutshell. It would be brilliant if anyone responded who has had similar symptoms and can also describe them to other people better than I can!

Thanks for reading.

26-10-16, 17:10
Hiya AccountantAndy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-10-16, 15:19
Hi I am new to this site and I am hoping to find help and support from people who know what it feels like to have anxiety. I had severe anxiety back in 2005,could not eat,lost a stone in weight,panic attacks ect,dehabilitated for a few months,I have been on paroxetine 20mgs since then and have been fine,up until now,its back with avengenance. Havent been able to eat for 3weeks,anxiety is down a little because I have had paroxetine upped to 30mg but if truth has it I still feel like its never going to end! Trying to stay positive but finding it very hard.I would love to make friends on here and hear how others cope with their anxiety:weep:

03-11-16, 10:26
So I had blood tests back today for more stuff than I can remember: Lipids, Glucose, Liver, Cholesterol etc etc and they've all come back "normal". Really happy with that as it gives me peace of mind especially with regards to heart worries.

It still means I have to work out and manage these symptoms I'm getting but I start on the Lanzaprozole tomorrow and have stool test results back next week. Onwards and Upwards!

---------- Post added at 10:26 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------

Jax12 - Thanks for posting on the thread. I hope you've used the wealth of resources here to help and assist you. I find a quick read of the forum when I can feel symptoms coming on is a great comfort. :)

03-11-16, 11:22
Hi Andy, reading your story it seems pretty familiar as I go through the same thing. Would be interesting to find out if the lansoprazole works for you, as I've been back and forth with the doctors and all they seem to do is throw antidepressants at you when that's not what I need. I've had the same blood tests and they've come back normal for me too, which is good but then leads you back to square one. Think I need some way of stopping my body going into panic when I'm nervous or excited. Think it may be an acid problem. A battle I've had to fight for about 6 years!

03-11-16, 11:47
Thanks for the reply LJ, it is comforting knowing others are going through similar symptoms.

We'd obviously prefer to not have symptoms at all, but at least we can progress to dealing with things a little more.

It seems my issue is heading towards definitive reflux. Whilst I don't want to be on tablets long term I'm hoping they help ease things over the next month.

Happy to continue posting updates as i have them.

So are you experiencing pretty much the same as me in terms of symptoms? If so do you find it hard describing them as I certainly do. A flutter in the throat/chest/stomach doesn't quite cover the severity of the spasms I have at times!

10-11-16, 16:32
Apologies for bumping my own thread to the top again....:blush:

Just happy to report that my stool test came back normal to go with the normal bloods last week so in general it seems I'm pretty healthy (physically at least!)!

I've been on the lanzaprozole for a week now and all in all I'd say things have settled down a lot over the last few days. I'm still having the odd spasm but nowhere near as bad as before and can probably pin point too much caffeine and a bit of a stressy work day as the triggers.


14-11-16, 22:25
Hello, I havent been on this site for a long time but have been reading through some posts today and yours caught my eye!
I too have alot of stomach problems, as well as Panic and Anxiety Attacks.
ive had lots of tests and still having some, Ive had Omeprazole in the past but never tried Lanzaprol, ive heard it is good for some people though!
Ive got very physical stomach and digestive problems but my anxiety only increases the symtoms and my stress levels!
I would be interested to hear if the Lanzaprole does help!
I only take Buscopans now, which i would really recommend for relief from stomach spasms, they are an anti-spasm medication you can get over the counter as well as on prescription. Hope your doing ok!

14-11-16, 23:41
I had heart palpitations for a while and also stomach aches and chest pain as a result of my anxiety. I'm over those but new symptoms have arisen. I just hope we can get over these. I got over the previous ones, so I'm confident we'll be able to live without these at some point. I start anxiety medication later this week. I'll let you know if it helps me.

15-11-16, 16:29
Hi all

Longtime lurker, first time poster here. As suggested by the admin, here's my story. Thanks in advance for reading.

I first started experiencing what seems to be anxiety symptoms 6 years ago and having managed to get them under control have found they've returned over the last few months. My symptoms are predominately chest and stomach related and started with a horrible spasm/fluttering feeling in my chest which is really hard to explain. Not a pain as such, but a discomfort which would last literally a second but would send me into a spin of "whats happening to me" " is this a heart attack" etc etc. What would often happen following this spasm would be a sensation of pressure building up which could be relieved by extending my chest, lifting my chin up to the sky and
forcing a kind of inwards burp to happen. Finally, I'd often be left with a heavy tight feeling towards the top of my stomach.

Numerous trips to the Doctors over a few months (Plenty of ECGS) and also a self paid for health scan at Bupa showed nothing of note and was put done to "Anxiousness" and I was recommended to try taking Zantac regularly.

I can't remember a point when things instantly got better but they did and I've been fine until a couple of months ago when the same symptoms have happened again. Starting with the spasm thing happening without any warning, usually when i'm sitting relaxing.

So, back to the doctors for me today and I'm to have Stool and Blood tests followed by a course of Lanzaprozole to see if we can sort it.

I found this site through a google search (I know...) and it's a fantastic resource of info and has helped ease a few concerns as well as been a focal point of concentration if I've been feeling panicky.

So, that's me, in a nutshell. It would be brilliant if anyone responded who has had similar symptoms and can also describe them to other people better than I can!

Thanks for reading.

Hi Andy, your post is the closest I've seen to anyone describing what I feel from time to time.

I described it to the doctors as a spasm or flutter just above my stomach in the center. It usually lasts a second or two and it is very noticeable almost like something is closing inside you. No pain but a very alarming sensation.

Not long ago this kept reoccurring during the night and I was very worried. Went to emerg where they did blood and the ecg and in the doctor's words " it couldn't be any better"

My GP wants me to go for a stress test which I will do after dealing with gastro/ anxiety issues but I really feel anxiety is a contributor to this. I will be very interested to see how you progress.

Best of luck!

16-11-16, 17:01
Hi guys. Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply to my thread.

I'm two weeks into the Lanzorpozole and I have noticed a big difference in my symptoms as i'm not getting nearly as many.

Part of me thinks this is the tablets but another part thinks its a combination of the placebo effect and the positive test results I've been given by the doctors which has put my sub conscious at rest.

Bella - thanks for the recommendation on the Buscopan, I've often wondered if there's a bit of IBS going on so will take that into consideration.

Dasani I hope you're progressing well

FrankC - I'm really happy that you've described the same symptoms - it's not just me!!! :D I too have had instances where the spasms have happened at night and can agree its very scary! I'd be interested to hear how the stress test goes, what does that involve?

17-11-16, 16:29
FrankC - I'm really happy that you've described the same symptoms - it's not just me!!! :D I too have had instances where the spasms have happened at night and can agree its very scary! I'd be interested to hear how the stress test goes, what does that involve?

Hi Andy, as I understand it, you basically get on a treadmill and they measure your heart function. I did get this sensation in the past while exerting during exercise so he wants to do this test.

Glad to hear you are feeling better!

19-11-16, 13:21
Hi Andy,

I can definitely identify with you. I had my first panic attack when I was 24. Definitely thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the doctor and got a blood test...of course everything came back negative.

What has helped me is trying to get out and walk or run. Being able to take in nature has helped me calm my mind.

22-11-16, 14:52
Hi everyone.
After a decent couple of weeks I've had a bit of a relapse the last few days experiencing more regular "spasms". Trying to stay positive in that a lot of my other symptoms have stayed away. It's just frustrating the main source of my worry, these "silent spasms", seem to have returned. Just over a week until my course of tablets are finished so I'll be heading back to the doctors for a review after that.

04-01-17, 18:58
Hi Andy I'm glad your test results came back fine and that the spasms have Seemed to calm down a bit. Mine is definitely stress related too. Even if it's stress or anxiety I don't feel is happening until well... you know the rest and so does the bathroom :/
I'm trying to work on a healthy mind and a happy mind to reduce my stress . I know I have to live with how my body works when it is stressed. But I find that doing positive things that make me feel happy calm and comfortable will hopefully help me learn to be more in control in control of my body and therefore help me be more sociable.. for example I enjoy walking and reading and have just started meditation as it's a good way to me more in control of your body. ( there's an app called headspace which has helps me be calm and accept my body). It's tables help in emergencies when I need to be somewhere my body isn't quite ready to leave the house. (Anyway im going to shut up now haha)
Have you found anything else recently which has had a positive affect on you??

05-01-17, 09:48
Hi LJ, thank you for your post and I'm glad to hear you are progressing well on your path. I'm still in the process of going to and from the doctors and had an Endoscopy before Christmas to which I'm due back to discuss results etc tonight. I posted about that experience on the Endoscopy forum if you're interested. Pleasing thing for me is the Doctors are being very thorough and as the various test are coming back as normal it does seem to be confirming the issues i'm having are more mental. My spasms have returned a little more regular this week and it can't be a coincidence my appointment is this evening! I'm going through a process of changing my lifestyle etc and the meditation thing is something that does interest me, as does Yoga. Thanks for the mention of the app, I'll take a look. :D

07-01-17, 00:20
Hi Andy it's nice to hear some doctors are doing their job property. My doctors are too busy to really focus on your long term problems and you get send away a lot sad truth but there you go. Also sorry about the grammar in my messages, hopefully you get the main points. I'm typing from my phone quickly so I don't lose my trail of thought so mistakes are made a lot oops!!
The mind is a very powerful thing and although physical things are happening to your body it's likely to be triggered subconsciously in your brain.. this year I really need to focus on being happy healthy relaxed comfortable and confidence as I really do believe that it will help calm down my physical reactions. The meditation is something that not everyone believes in but if it's practiced regularly it can make a huge impact on how you approach Day to day life. It has done positive things for me so far... yoga will be my next step :)

07-01-17, 10:18

I have been reading your thread and I think it could well be acid reflux.
I get similar symptoms to what you have described and I also get bouts of this.

Have you thought about looking at your diet?
As a med free person, I have had to find other ways of battling my symptoms.
I do know and have experienced these symptoms with certain types of foods.
Like; processed food, fizzy drinks, red meat, fried or greasy food, chocolate and dairy.
It may be a coincidence, but my pain and discomfort comes alongside any of these and tends to last for a few days.
Just a thought.

07-01-17, 12:08
This is a very good point too. As I produce a lot of acid (it increases when I'm stressed) I have to watch how much "junk" I eat. I drink a lot of water and rarely drink anything fizzy. I watch how much dairy I intake and fatty foods as this doesn't help when I have anxiety. I tend to have to take a lot of anti acid tablets to battle this.

17-01-17, 16:57
Hi guys

Thanks again for the replies.

I've made a real concerted effort with diet recently. Whilst I haven't noticed any specific triggers relating to my diet this whole experience has made me look at myself. I decided it was a good a reason as any to review.

I'm a massive coffee fan (the proper stuff, none of this instant malarkey) but have tried to curb the frequency of this delightful beverage.

I've also took to making home made fruit smoothies and veg soups for snacks/lunches to increase my 5 a day intake.

It's a long haul game but hopefully all will help toward reducing my symptoms, especially when I'll be off the tablets in three weeks, hopefully for good.

12-05-17, 16:32
First of all, apologies for bumping my own thread.... but I've made some progress in recent months and have finally got that little bit of closure about my symptoms. Turns out I'm suffering from Etopic heart beats.

As explained earlier I'd been for an endoscopy which came back normal and after coming off the tablets I then had a couple of procedures involving a tube up the nose and down into the gullet to monitor acid reflux. These came back normal and it was then the stomach specialist I was seeing recommended I saw a heart specialist - just in case the symptoms I was experiencing could be related to that.

So it was arranged I would have a full heart ultrasound and an exercise stress test and it was through this test they picked up an etopic exactly at the same moment I experienced one of my "spasms". I then had to wear a heart monitor for two whole weeks.

I saw the doc last night who took me through the stats and we found a number of etopics had occurred especially when I had pushed the symptom button.

So there we have it, nothing to worry about says the doctor - which is easy to say but hard to put in practice as they're scary when they occur. I've no doubt anxiety is both triggering them and is being triggered by them but at least I know what they are now and can progress with coping mechanisms.

Onwards and upwards!