View Full Version : Eye worries..

26-10-16, 18:03
So yesterday I woke up from a nap and my left eye seemed red..more so from a collection of veins in the corner that seemed red. My right eye didn't seem bad.. still a few red veins but don't eyes normally have them??
Anyways, a few thousand mfs I thought of were maybe since I woke up to fast from a deep nap and I hadn't really slept before then for like 19hrs. Another thing I thought was maybe tired eyes from watching tv and being on my phone all night /day.. wearing my classes causing more strain? And I also thought of allergies with the changing weather and my window AC was off and the heat was on so maybe something from the vent was irritating my eyes? I've experienced eye allergies before where my eyes get glued shut with gooey stuff and my eyes will feel irritated and watery but that hadn't happened in awhile. I googled just wondering and tired eyes/eye strain and allergies could be a cause.. also pink eye or glaucoma which freaked me out..I had pink eye as a kid and I don't think that's what it is.. I'm not sure about glaucoma but it sounds scary.
Something else that freaked me out was an eye eating bacteria that would make me lose my eye.. I heard about that on the news before! Something like contact users are more susceptible but I don't wear contacts.. but I'm still scared of that!! So I'm really worried about losing my eye!! I don't really have any other symptoms except maybe dry feeling.. I woke up this morning and I don't think it's that bad..I also have been using cold compresses and I think that's helped.
Another thing I just thought of that could be the cause is either yesterday or the day before I can't remember I accidentally sprayed that eye with leave in conditioner .. I hurried and washed it and I don't think it got in my eye too bad but maybe even that? I really just came here to rationalize and get help from you guys.
I know I just posted yesterday about urine smells and oddly I could care less not that I'm worried about this.. (although maybe I'm still a little..but I feel like it doesn't smell as strong maybe because I'm not focused on it tho?)

Okay sorry this dragged on.. really appreciate any help tho /: help to ease my anxious mind!
(Also popped 2 benedryll allergy pills just to see if it helped any)

---------- Post added at 13:03 ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 ----------

Update: I looked in the mirror and the veins look less red..so either the cold compresses sleep or allergy pills have helped. Still nervous and I have a feeling I'm going to be checking the mirror a lot (ugggghh) but when I looked up allergy eyes my eye did look like what the pictures showed although I didn't look anything else up.. don't really want tooo...my eyes seem maybe stil a little dry and I think looking at my phone makes it a little worse.

26-10-16, 19:05
It sounds like irritation, and you've just listed a whole host of things that could have irritated your eye :)

Glaucoma is something that is largely restricted to older people and regular eye exams would pick up on it. It's not something that just shows up overnight.

Try to relax a bit, your eye is just fine.

26-10-16, 20:20
Sounds to me like some eye irritation. I have had periods where my eyes are irritated/dry/etc. IT can happen for any number of reasons.

Its not eye consuming bacteria, and you wont lose your eyesight. Even if its "Pink Eye" that goes away on its own, or with drops. :)

I would try to take a deep breath, as vision is one of those things that can start to manifest a lot of superficial symptoms from high amounts of stress. (i.e. if you get too worked up, you can start seeing spots, etc). This could unnecessarily spiral your anxiety out of control.

What you have is common, I wouldn't worry about it. :)