View Full Version : Anxiety, Work and Management

26-10-16, 20:31
Hi everyone,

I've recently been suffering from GAD and recently started a new job that I enjoy. From my visit to the GP and further referrals, I've been advised and invited to attend weekly CBT group courses to help find coping strategies and support for dealing with anxiety. The problem is that these courses start in a few weeks and take place whilst I'm at work and my new manager has recently "mutually" terminated a previous employees contract due to their mental health issues preventing them from being able to carry out their role.

The contract is very loose and would allow management to rightly dismiss an employee without any notice and I'm worried that if I asked for the time off to attend the course, I could potentially lose my job.

Has anybody got any advice for me?


26-10-16, 20:50
Do you have a HR department that you can go to for advice?

Could you make the missed time up? Or take it as annual leave? I have my regular CBT sessions in works time but I am able to do flexible working so I either work later on those days or have taken a few days as annual leave.

It's hard, since if you were going for physio every week they would be more understanding (possibly), with mental health issues people are less forgiving/understanding.

26-10-16, 20:55
Do you have a HR department that you can go to for advice?

Could you make the missed time up? Or take it as annual leave? I have my regular CBT sessions in works time but I am able to do flexible working so I either work later on those days or have taken a few days as annual leave.

It's hard, since if you were going for physio every week they would be more understanding (possibly), with mental health issues people are less forgiving/understanding.

Thanks for your reply,

There isn't a HR department since it's a very small team that I work with and since I'm new I can't take any annual leave until after Christmas. I don't want to ask for the time off since it would be seen as a problem and even though I'm over qualified for the role, it's quite enjoyable, relaxing and therapeutic.

26-10-16, 21:18
What about working extra hours to make up any time lost?

What's your preference?

26-10-16, 21:36
What about working extra hours to make up any time lost?

What's your preference?

That wouldn't be possible with this job because it's school hours and I work full time so there's no room for manoeuvre on that front.

26-10-16, 21:57
What do you think you might do then?

26-10-16, 22:53
I'm not sure, I think I'll try not to worry about it and cross that bridge when I come to it.