View Full Version : Freaking out pls help!

27-10-16, 10:24
Hi everyone,
So my stomach has Been on off for a few weeks now and there has been a bug going around the school I work in but just now I went to the toilet and again it was diarrea. Sorry about the next tmi but I looked down at my diarreah and basically it was so dark, I panicked and thought of internal bleeding and obviously googled. I basically picked a bit up using a tissue but it was just brown not black on the tissue nor any blood. Because I've googled about it it's came up internal bleeding and if I get palpitations, feel sick etc I'm to ring the hospital as it maybe all too late. I'm alone at my sisters house and freaking out so much. I had a bit of cramping and after my bought of diarreah it's subsided. I'm jus so scared and alone. I'm here waiting for people to come to fix the house....all I keep thinking is will i be alert when they arrive etc ?

Can anyone spare time to talk to me

27-10-16, 10:29
Hi Katy

You are having a panic attack. Everything is being blown out proportion by your stressed brain.

Sounds like you are having stomach issues. I'd recommend booking in and seeing the Doctor.

It's extremely unlikely to be internal bleeding. Go get it checked, and get some tests done.

Eat and drink well to assist with things.

Good luck!