View Full Version : Just need a little support, feeling very down becuase of my HA

27-10-16, 17:32
My apologies for the Long post:weep:

First, I just want to thank for this wonderful website that had help me so much through my Journey with HA.

I started to suffered from HA about 1 year and half ago after a health scare and after that I went down the hill. I started doing a therapy, medication, naturopathy, etc. I was doing much better, my panic attack are gone and my anxiety had been very low. Until, two week ago my best friend from collage called me to tell me that she got diagnose with Stage II Breast Cancer. I lost it and started crying. Ironic, because back in the days, I was the strongest of the two and when she called me and said you always had been so strong and I need you so much (in my mind I said not anymore) I composed myself and started to give her support and said in my mind is not about me its my friend that need me right now. Well, after this I think my friend condition trigger my HA and I went down the hill again (my HA is about the Cancer) I started to think that I had an specific type of the C disease and after I got reassurance from that one and I started to think about another type. I feel so frustrated because I had done a lot of test and gone to the Doctor some many times that I lost count and I'm fine every time, I get any type of ache I think I had the C disease. Also, this make me feel so depressed because I feel I'm so selfish on feeling this way knowing that there some many people like my friend that are going thru worth thing that I'm :weep:

27-10-16, 17:51
Hi rossvic,

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch.

It's ok to feel emotional for a friend, especially when they get news like that.

It sounds like the news triggered a panic attack, and ever since your brain has been stressed and looking for threats, and worries. This has caused your HA to resurface.

Put it this way, had the news not happened, you'd not have these worries. Your physical body is the same, it is just the mental side of things that has changed.

You need to give your brain a rest, and take moments out to break the cycle of worry. Start small, and focus on other things.

Once you rest your mind, the anxiety will subside, and you will be able to rationalise things better.

28-10-16, 04:50
It's not selfish at all, your brain just works like that sometimes. The thing us HA sufferers need to realize is that it's ok not to feel 100 per cent all the time. Sometimes our anxiety will flare up, and we can either let it control is by resisting it, or utilize whatever techniques work to help the anxiety pass through us.

28-10-16, 21:34
Sla and Ronan;

Thank you so much for taking time and give so amazing advice and support, it feel so good knowing you are not alone!