View Full Version : Dizziness and tight chest

27-10-16, 19:09
Feel awful today, very dizzy and tight chested. Feel like I can't get to the bottom of my breath which freaks me out. The dizziness is terrible, feel like i will pass out

27-10-16, 19:55
Have you been sleeping/eating ok? Two things that tend to make me dizzy are tiredness, and not eating enough.

27-10-16, 20:18
I'm always awake in the night on and off. I am having a relapse of my anxiety at the moment after being ok for a year or so. I just to seem to be hyper aware of every sensation, it's horrid.

27-10-16, 20:48
ive got both of those symptoms right now.

I had a lousy sleep and havent felt like eating my dinner. those are the usual culprits for me.