View Full Version : Feeling defeated

27-10-16, 19:16
I've had my anxiety for over 13 years now and before it
came and went but for probably the last year it's been constant. I used to be able to have some respite through exercise or listening to music. These do not work any longer.
I feel light headed and dizzy pretty much all day, my ability to concentrate is awful and my recollection of things is terrible. I would say I get minimal enjoyment from things that used to.
I'm desperate to get some control back in my life as my mood and my anxiety is starting to take a toll on my marriage.
I feel as though I'm missing out on my children growing up because I can't enjoy time with them properly and when I do the memories of experiences are vague.
I've tried medication and I've recently finished a 6 session course of counselling that didn't help. I'm starting to feel like there is no getting better and am desperate for advice as to what I could possibly do next. It seems like my anxiety rules my life! Any help or positivity would be great.


27-10-16, 20:37
What symptoms of anxiety do you have

27-10-16, 22:15
Feeling uneasy, short of breath, heart palpitations, all the typical sensations. The main concerning ones are the dizziness, light headedness, feeling vague and distant. Also, I feel emotionless.

28-10-16, 08:13
Hi Aaron,

What medication have you tried in the past and for how long? Has it provided no relief?

Do you work?


28-10-16, 11:02
I've had Fluoxetine, citalopram, duloxetine and paroxetine
In the past and found them ineffective and coming off was the worst experiences I've had. I work full time and work shifts so I know that sleep deprivation is something that is not helpful. I've had courses of CBT in a group and individually and that didn't really help either.
I haven't taken any time off of work because of my anxiety and as I work in a mainly male environment it's not the sort of thing that is discussed. So I feel pretty alone and trapped.

28-10-16, 11:36
What medication are you on now?

28-10-16, 11:36
Hi Aaron,

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough time.

Make sure you try and find small things each day to be positive about. It's important to break the cycle of anxiety and depression.

Music and exercise will help, so don't write them off. But you do need the energy to do so.

On days when I felt really low, I'd walk home and list everything I was grateful for. By the time I got in, the could had started to lift, and I felt a lot happier.

Make sure you are eating and drinking well, and that you're getting adequate sleep. A deficit in any one of these will contribute to anxiety.

28-10-16, 17:19
I'm not on any meds now and don't really feel that ever helped.
I'm trying to find some motivation and energy to exercise but I also have what I believe is a stress fracture in my foot so even walking is painful. I know I need to do something and maybe the advice on here will guide me in the right direction. I am worried about the dizziness but feel like my doctor always gives the same reply and blames it on my anxiety.