View Full Version : Citalopram advice and expierences

Want to be me again
27-10-16, 22:39
Hello all,

I am a 24 year old male from the United States. For most of my life I have been a chronic worrier and suffered from anxiety. When I was in high school I had a severe phobia of dying and it consumed my life. That is when I first started suffering from panic attacks and constant thoughts. I never sought help and the panic attacks and constant anxiety eventually subsided although I still suffered from the worry, but it was manageable.

Fast forward to March of 2015 and that is where the worry really reared it's ugly head again. I was putting a lot of stress on myself to preform well in the Police Academy and no matter what happened I would take any situation and spin it into the worst Stephen King novel ending you could possibly imagine. It had consumed my life. Things that I would normally have excitement for seemed dull and I had no interest. It progressed and progressed until it began to effect my daily life and my relationships. It was so bad that on the graduation day of my academy i just thought of different situations that would negatively effect my career and cause me anguish instead of enjoying myself.

On August 30, 2016 for some reason I hit rock bottom. I could not sleep, my mind did not stop wandering to these "what if" situations. The majority of my day was me in a constant argument with my thoughts and trying to rationalize why what I was thinking wouldn't happen. It got to the point where the constant worry was turning into a depression and I had no motivation to get off the couch, go to work, and when I went places with my family and friends I was not "present" and was too consumed with my thoughts.

On September 6, 2016 I got to the point where I could not take it anymore and went to my doctor to seek help. My doctor prescribed me 20mg of Citalopram and .5 mg of Lorazepam and recommended counseling which I am currently doing. Naturally as anyone with chronic worry I researched every review I could find on the drugs I was about to take. As is normal there were both negative and positive reviews but I was eager to feel better so I began to take them as prescribed. I was pleasantly surprised that I did not suffer from most of the side effects that were mentioned. I had a bout of the yawns and I couldn't really sleep at night but that was the extent of it. I got what I figured was a placebo effect the first few days and felt better but then went back to the racing thoughts. As time progressed I felt a little better each week and started feeling somewhat normal. I was beginning to enjoy work and worried less. I was still having worrisome thoughts but they wouldn't linger.

During this time I proposed to my girlfriend and she accepted. Then the quick paced wedding planning began. While that was going on we ended up seeing a house we liked and began the process of purchasing our first home. I was really excited and had no real concerns seeing how we both are financially secure. All of a sudden out of nowhere the last week the negative thoughts and depressed feelings have been returning. I am having the same dull blah outlook that I used to have when I should be excited for all the positive changes occurring in my life.

At this point I have been taking Citalopram for just over 7 weeks. Is this still too early to feel the full effects? I am concerned because I was seeing progress and now it seems as if I am regressing? Should I go to my doctor and seek a higher dose? I am not one to usually reach out but I thought that reaching out to individuals who are going to the same things may be able to give me insight and advice.

I just want to feel like my old happy self again.

28-10-16, 11:32
Hi there

This forum helped me immensely when I was struggling. My anxiety was work related with stress. I was in a terrible situation and could not get out of bed. I started taking cit 20mg and had terrible side effects for three weeks. I did not feel the full effects until week 12. My advice is to hang in there. It is a roller coaster ride but it will get better. Keep yourself busy, exercise, meditate and spend quality time with family. Believe it will get better.

Want to be me again
29-10-16, 16:49
Thank you for your reply. Each day is a different experience and im hoping that each day becomes more positive. I need to keep reminding myself that this journey is a marathon not a sprint.

31-10-16, 13:12
Hello! Firstly congratulations on your engagement! A few tips from me (might not necessarily apply to you, but applied to me)
1. Wedding planning and buying a home can both be mega stressful so it's possible you're experiencing "normal" stress/worry, not that the drugs have stopped working; that said
2. A lot of people do increase their dose slightly and that's OK!
3. I find I get into a spiral - the minute I start to feel down or worried I immediately assume it's the bad old depression coming back, and I talk myself into a state. I've not found a great answer to this to be honest, though I often share these anxieties with a very good friend of mine who has been through the same thing, and he tends to reassure me
4. Have you tried exercise? For me, citalopram worked a dream and in turn gave me the confidence to do other things alongside taking it which complemented it in terms of keeping me in a good mental state. I go running several times a week (short distances and slow speed, but still...!) and I swim a couple of times a month (I'm super lucky as I live in London and can swim in the Olympic pool!)

Oh and by the way NOTHING wrong with reaching out! It's a good thing to do. We all need a little help sometimes and I'm sure if someone reached out to you then you would help them.

Much love to you x