View Full Version : Heart thump followed by needles and pins surge in upper body

28-10-16, 12:09
Hi!I started having palpitations after My dad died of heart attack last year. It feels like a sudden thump in chest followed by needles and pins surge or a heat wave.I had stress ecg, echocardiogram and 72 hours holter monitor.Only thing that showed up was a few pvcs. Can anxiety cause pvcs/extra beats? And does any of you feel these needles and pins sensations after the extra beat?And what is it?Is IT adrenaline surge??

28-10-16, 12:58
Hi. So sorry to hear about your dad. My mum died of a heart attack last year as well, so I absolutely understand where you're anxiety is coming from.

The sudden thump sounds like a palpitation, which are harmless (as your various tests show). Yes anxiety can cause them, in all sorts of sensations.

The pins and needles could be down to your breathing. If you are breathing too quickly (without realising), you can get pins and needles. Adrenaline can also cause this, and can occur any where in the body.

The 'heat wave' also sounds like an adrenaline rush. Over the years I have tried to be happy about the rush, as it often explains why I am feeling wound up - I try to see it as a reassuring sign, if that makes sense?!

It sounds like to me that since your father's death that your anxiety has been heightened, and is a little fixated on heart issues - which is totally understandable. My anxiety has been through the roof since my mum's death last year, and is often fixated on heart attack fears (which happens to be an old OCD thought of mine, so double fun). I have learnt through bereavement counselling that is a totally normal reaction. I hope you can find a glimmer of reassurance in that.

29-10-16, 17:00
Thank you so much for your answer.Sorry about your mom.It is a trauma that IT happens so fast and sudden.And we know now that life is so fragile..But I know I should try to live AS best I can while here.But this pins and needles is so foceful and sudden right after this thump and scares me.Never know when IT comes.When I relax totally them IT comes the most,How weird. Thank you for answering me IT helps that someone cares to answer��