View Full Version : Withdrawal symptoms

28-10-16, 14:52
Having a really bad day. I've been reducing my anti depressant Mirtzapine with my doctors approval. I was on 30mg then reduced down to 15mg but had bad withdrawal, so my doc said up it to 22.5mg then reduce slowly, 10% every 3-4 weeks is usually advised.

Anyway, 7 days ago I reduced down to 18mg cos I have tablets and have to split them so it's hard to be very accurate, my doctor won't prescribe liquid due to the cost. I thought I might have got away with it but today woke up feeling awful, stomach churning, diarrhoea, nauseous generally unwell, anxious. I didn't think just 4mg less would make so much difference.

Anybody else had similar and is their any remedy for these withdrawal symptoms? I realise they may not last forever but they feel like they will and on top of that I can't sleep. That is one reason I wanted to stop taking them because most people they help with insomnia but I've had the reverse and never had a good nights sleep since taking them.

I feel like I'm losing my mind and can't cope. I'm good with pain but not this!

Thanks for reading. :scared15:

28-10-16, 17:12
Hi Kath

I'm not sure about the meds you are on but withdrawal is just so bad isn't it? I just thought I would reply as I seem to be going through withdrawal at the moment not from taking less but because I have been taking lorazepam for so long now I think it's working less effectively in my system and am having what I thought were more anxiety symptoms but probably are withdrawals. So I know how you are feeling and am posting as a message of support (if I can be).

My symptoms are bad anxiety (worse than usual), panic attacks, twitching, bad tension and stiffness, heart racing and banging, breathlessness, can't keep still but can't move around! I also feel like I'm going out of my mind and can't cope!

Withdrawal is withdrawal regardless of what medication it is and if I can be of any help just to talk to about it, plz let me know.


28-10-16, 18:31
Hi Kath

I'm not sure about the meds you are on but withdrawal is just so bad isn't it? I just thought I would reply as I seem to be going through withdrawal at the moment not from taking less but because I have been taking lorazepam for so long now I think it's working less effectively in my system and am having what I thought were more anxiety symptoms but probably are withdrawals. So I know how you are feeling and am posting as a message of support (if I can be).

My symptoms are bad anxiety (worse than usual), panic attacks, twitching, bad tension and stiffness, heart racing and banging, breathlessness, can't keep still but can't move around! I also feel like I'm going out of my mind and can't cope!

Withdrawal is withdrawal regardless of what medication it is and if I can be of any help just to talk to about it, plz let me know.

PS I am talking about me when I say you!!

AAh Betty thank you so much. I know it sounds daft but even to have somebody like yourself to talk to makes things seem a bit easier. You know then that it's not only you being over dramatic or as my mum used to say "mard". Meaning soft and unable to put up with a bit of discomfort.

I hope your soon feeling better. I know it's all a matter of time and we have to wait it out. :hugs:

28-10-16, 19:06
I haven't got a clue where this comes from:-
PS I am talking about me when I say you!! I swear I never wrote that wtf? I must be going insane. You must have thought how weird I am lol :ohmy: I suppose it must be from something else I have written at some point, I don't know:blush::blush::blush:

It is a comfort to know that someone else is going through something similar. I always said that I was too soft for my own good but I can't change who I am as much as I try! Very hard to change your character and personality to suit the circumstances!

I would go so far as to say this is the most uncomfortable I have ever been in my life and I am 60 next year! So I know how you are feeling and anyone going through this :weep::weep:

I hope the withdrawals soon go away for you too and this damn anxiety as well. I suppose waiting is all we can do. In the meantime playing lots of games and trying to forget how bad we feel :wacko::wacko:

Take care


28-10-16, 21:30
How long were you on the Mirt? I've been on it (30 mg) about 6 months but it never really helped so on venlafaxine as well now.

Doing much better so decided to come off the Mirt as it's made me eat too much and gain weight. My psych said it's fine to just stop it cold turkey? But I haven't as that's not what I've read. I did a week of 22.5 and dropped to 15 last night and feel dreadful this morning. It may not be because of that though. Just want to get off it. I still have to finish withdrawing from zopiclone (now on 1/2 tablet) and diazepam (down to 2 mg) and it feels like an endless process as only changing one thing at a time.

I hope things settle for you soon.

28-10-16, 21:45
How long were you on the Mirt? I've been on it (30 mg) about 6 months but it never really helped so on venlafaxine as well now.

Doing much better so decided to come off the Mirt as it's made me eat too much and gain weight. My psych said it's fine to just stop it cold turkey? But I haven't as that's not what I've read. I did a week of 22.5 and dropped to 15 last night and feel dreadful this morning. It may not be because of that though. Just want to get off it. I still have to finish withdrawing from zopiclone (now on 1/2 tablet) and diazepam (down to 2 mg) and it feels like an endless process as only changing one thing at a time.

I hope things settle for you soon.

I came off antidepressants due to weight gain. I didn't eat anymore than usual though so no idea how I gained weight. It's awful that a medicine used to treat depression can cause weight gain as that in itself can cause depression. I came off cold turkey as I was really angry having been told I wouldn't gain weight on Paroxetine like I did on Fluoxetine (I gained the exact same amount on each one 15lbs so a total of 30lbs).

28-10-16, 23:32
I tapered off of Cymbalta, and it was pretty bad. The key is to taper slowly. The best advice I can give is start taking some Cal/Mag, B vits, and some Omega 3 vits. That should help you out. It is a rough ride, but you will get through it.

29-10-16, 00:17
I tapered off of Cymbalta, and it was pretty bad. The key is to taper slowly. The best advice I can give is start taking some Cal/Mag, B vits, and some Omega 3 vits. That should help you out. It is a rough ride, but you will get through it.

That's good advice about the supplements. I expect cymbylata (duloxitine) is a hard one like it's sister venlafaxine? I expected Mirt to be easy as I had no start up effects and the psych insisted people don't have withdrawal from stopping Mirt cold turkey. That said, she told me a lot of things that are simply not true, like when I gained 5 kg in the first 5 weeks on Mirt and she said it does not cause weight gain. One look on google tells you otherwise!

I'm going down 1/4 at a time as we only have 30 mg pills here and it's impossible to split them any more, even quarters are hard!

29-10-16, 06:01
Any withdrawal can be difficult. I cold turkeyed from valium, due to terrible advise from my GP!!
but, from what I've read tapering can lessen withdrawals.

If you think logically. You have ingested a chemical that has affected the way your brain chemicals work.
When you stop taking/reducing the med, your brain needs to readjust. That's all. Nothing sinister.
The period of time it takes has many variables in each person.

For me with valium, the initial severe withdrawals were two months,cthen a gradual easing off for 6 months. The worst part was not knowing when it would end, r even if it ever would.

But it DOES end. Our bodies do readjust.

29-10-16, 15:45
I haven't got a clue where this comes from:-
PS I am talking about me when I say you!! I swear I never wrote that wtf? I must be going insane. You must have thought how weird I am lol :ohmy: I suppose it must be from something else I have written at some point, I don't know:blush::blush::blush:

It is a comfort to know that someone else is going through something similar. I always said that I was too soft for my own good but I can't change who I am as much as I try! Very hard to change your character and personality to suit the circumstances!

I would go so far as to say this is the most uncomfortable I have ever been in my life and I am 60 next year! So I know how you are feeling and anyone going through this :weep::weep:

I hope the withdrawals soon go away for you too and this damn anxiety as well. I suppose waiting is all we can do. In the meantime playing lots of games and trying to forget how bad we feel :wacko::wacko:

Take care


Betty I'll solve the mystery on who wrote that. It was me!! stupid me I sent it on your message instead of the end of mine. I didn't want you thinking I was talking about you in my message. (Must go back to the shrink) lol lol Hope your ok and I'm 64 so I know exactly what you mean. xxxx

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

How long were you on the Mirt? I've been on it (30 mg) about 6 months but it never really helped so on venlafaxine as well now.

Doing much better so decided to come off the Mirt as it's made me eat too much and gain weight. My psych said it's fine to just stop it cold turkey? But I haven't as that's not what I've read. I did a week of 22.5 and dropped to 15 last night and feel dreadful this morning. It may not be because of that though. Just want to get off it. I still have to finish withdrawing from zopiclone (now on 1/2 tablet) and diazepam (down to 2 mg) and it feels like an endless process as only changing one thing at a time.

I hope things settle for you soon.
Hi Shaz, I was on 30mg for over a year and 15mg previously but I had a break in between. The withdrawal for me has proved difficult and I need to slow it down even more from what advise I've had and it's very good advise. My doctor seemed surprised I had gone back to tell him how ill I felt on withdrawal, it's as though he didn't really believe what I was saying, he had suggested I reduce to 15mg but then said up it to 22.5mg if I was feeling ill, which I was so on my own reduced again to 18mg, cos I was feeling brave! But it has made me feel rotten but I will persevere now I've got this far.

Anyway, I'm on 18mg approx. as I have to split pills so it's maybe not as accurate as it should be, but will stick to this for 4 weeks and try to reduce again. Doctor won't give me liquid Mirtazapine but I am told that I can get soluble ones which I will ask about.

Thank you for your reply, hope your soon feeling better. :yesyes:

29-10-16, 19:37
Originally Posted by xBettyBoopx http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1608310#post1608310)
I haven't got a clue where this comes from:-
PS I am talking about me when I say you!! I swear I never wrote that wtf? I must be going insane. You must have thought how weird I am lol :ohmy: I suppose it must be from something else I have written at some point, I don't know:blush::blush::blush:

It is a comfort to know that someone else is going through something similar. I always said that I was too soft for my own good but I can't change who I am as much as I try! Very hard to change your character and personality to suit the circumstances!

I would go so far as to say this is the most uncomfortable I have ever been in my life and I am 60 next year! So I know how you are feeling and anyone going through this :weep::weep:

I hope the withdrawals soon go away for you too and this damn anxiety as well. I suppose waiting is all we can do. In the meantime playing lots of games and trying to forget how bad we feel :wacko::wacko:

Take care


Betty I'll solve the mystery on who wrote that. It was me!! stupid me I sent it on your message instead of the end of mine. I didn't want you thinking I was talking about you in my message. (Must go back to the shrink) lol lol Hope your ok and I'm 64 so I know exactly what you mean. xxxx

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

How funny and there I am saying that I going insane lol :whistles::whistles: