View Full Version : Can anyone relate? Does it get better?

28-10-16, 15:25
Hi All,

I've been going through a rough patch for the last couple of weeks. Since 2006 I had spells of anxiety / depression which lasted a week or two and then tended to pass. These keep happening until I got to a point where I tried medication. The medication I tried first was Fluxotine and I couldn't tell you how well it worked really, I upped to 40mg but kept having the anxiety/depression 'spells'. Finally, I switched to Citrolpram which I think helped. I can't recal the exact dates but from around 2013 to date I've been off medication and not relapsed despite some tricky life events. In between I've got into a long term relationship, had a son (who is 2 now and I love to bits) and got two promotions at work. In essence I felt 'normal'.

This recent relapse a couple of weeks ago (caused by HA and then triggered me into a cycle of oh no, I'm back here) has knocked me for six. I don't feel like I'm going to recover, everything is ten times harder now and I feel like because I don't think the AD will work it won't. I'm obsessing about the way I feel and fear that I won't get better and so can barely focus on anything else. Can anyone else relate to this?

Can medication help me out even though I don't think it will? Do you have to believe in the medication for it to work (I.e. The placebo effect).

Just wondered if anyone has had similar and got better.



29-10-16, 14:58
I guess I wonder if anyone has felt as though they'll never get better but actually have. Whether by medication, therapy, self-help or a combination.

I guess most of my worries stem from my own anxiety / low mood so I wondered if it's possible to stop this cycle.

In essence I'm 'obsessed' with the condition of anxiety. Can anyone relate?

29-10-16, 15:10
I can relate entiry to everything you wrote. I had anxiety so badly that I could barely leave the house for about 18 months or so.

That was 20 odd years ago. I did get better with therapy and hard work at putting the cbt into practice.

Unfortunately i've had a relapse all this time later (due to stress etc) and I still kinda feel sometimes it won't get better. I'm trying therapy, medication and mindfulness.

The problem is I don't think many people get over these things quickly.

My therapist recommend making a journal (or blog in my case) and give every day a rating and writing some positives from the day. Then you can look back and see the improvement month by month.

I read someone elses recovery blog where they likened recovery to a broken bone. It takes a lot of time to heal and will need to be treated very carefully (cast) until it's healed.

30-10-16, 15:41
I can totally relate to you,I myself have been on paroxetine 20mg since 2005 and have been absolutely fine up until now,a stressful few months has wakened up my anxiety so my doc upped my meds to 30mg,that was 3weeks ago,it has been a rough 3weeks ,struggling with eating,thinking Im going mad,no energy and dread getting out of bed,I know it will get better but I am so struggling right now,just so much want to be back to myself and my life. I do not have a partner to support me but do have family and friends(not the same tho when u just want a hug and a good greet!!)Im trying my best to stay positive but sometimes that is so hard to do. Why is this so cruel??:weep:

30-10-16, 21:28
Thanks both.

It is horrid, just focussed on worrying about worrying and thinking things like 'what if I don't get better...', 'what if medication doesn't work for me because I don't think they will', 'if I don't get better I'll lose my job', etc...

I don't suffer panic attacks, just worrying about getting myself better which is the silly thing because if I stopped worrying I'd probably get better. I just don't know how to turn that tap off!

I think it's easy to forget a lot of the success stories and there are many don't post on here because they are better (medication or not). So a lot of posts are from people who are suffering / looking for an answer.

What's weird is how in the midst of these 'spells' everything is so much harder. Whilst I was well I supported my partner through childbirth and managed a team at work.

Any advice on tackling the worrying?