View Full Version : really bad back pain since yesterday pancreatitis fear

28-10-16, 16:17
I am on sertraline 150mg which is quite successful in reducing my anxiety particulary health anxiety however it has totally freaked me out I went for an MRI scan after taking 10mg of ativan over 12 hours, sailed through it and I went to the consultant to get results he made me very anxious by telling me he would have to consultant colleagues after the report said I have a stone in my pancreas. That was coming up to 5 weeks ago my own doctor said I risked pancreatitis. The last couple of days I have had pain in the centre of my back which is worse lying down or leaning forward over the computer but it also comes on sitting down I am exceptionally tired and generally feeling rubbish. I am now worried I have got pancreatitis or a blood clot in my lung or a heart attack. But I was runing for a bus the other day and I trip and fell down on the ground pretty hard wasnt aware I hurt my back as hand and shoulder sore but could it be that I am asking myself. Consultant has asked a pancreatic expert to look at the scan result of course totally edgy about that not sleeping very well.