View Full Version : Can you request a mercury test on NHS?

28-10-16, 19:06
Sorry to bother people but just wondering -as I would like to ask my GP to check my mercury levels after some stuff I happened to read and what with the symptoms I'm having. Does anyone know if they're likely to let you have it or has anyone had this test?

28-10-16, 20:31
I doesn't work that people can go and order tests based on whatever they've read on the internet, if you accurately describe your symptoms and a medical professional thinks a test is needed I'm sure they'll do it.

Just out of curiosity, why do you think you need a mercury test?

29-10-16, 11:10
Well I've been suffering with worsening weakness in my muscles, which the Dr is aware of, just had ecg and referred to a rheumatologist. My muscles (pretty much all of them now) feel weak and tremor when used or the tiniest exertion, like lifting a leg or turning in bed -it's 24/7, doesn't come and go. Obviously super fatigued with it too. I sometimes get tremors when going to sleep or waking up but they are without moving but feels like it's all due to vibrating muscles.
Anyway I happened to read something (yes, online) about mercury poisoning due to amalgam fillings. I have a tonne of fillings and for the last 6 months because of silly things going on with my dentist I have had just a piece of filling where the rest has broken off, and the symptoms have got really bad in recent months, whereas other times it was just a vague weakness in my legs -easier to put down to stress.
So basically I wondered whether it would be a legit thing to ask for from the doc, and whether they even do them on NHS! I don't want to sound like a weirdo, I have just been struggling as never had anything like this before!

(sorry for long reply! Do you think my reasons are legitimate?!)

29-10-16, 13:34
Nobody here can tell you. You only get tests on the NHS if a medical professional deems them necessary. If you've shared your symptoms with your doctor and been told it's anxiety, then anxiety is what you need to treat.

29-10-16, 15:27
Like Server says we're not in a position to say what's wrong with you, but listen to what your doctor says, and don't read too much into referrals as they need to make sure of things and are just doing a thorough job. You can't "order" tests from the NHS, all you can do is voice your fears and describe your symptoms. If the doc things it's legitimate they'll do the test, if they don't it means their professional opinion is it's not worth doing.

I suspect if amalgam fillings were likely to cause these symptoms we'd know about it and it would be much more common - most of us have them! But I don't know, any more than you do. Stop Googling, and let the professionals deal with investigating things, hopefully what you're describing is stress-related.

30-10-16, 16:34
Thanks folks. Helps to remember perspective, you know how it can be when you start thinking it could be something particular, hence the health anxiety bit of my anxiety! I think it's hard because I have never experienced this sort of thing before with very severe anxiety. Anyway I may well mention it to him on my next visit, hoping he won't think I'm completely crazy mentioning it!

30-10-16, 16:39
I can understand your worry, you see all sorts on Google and I don't believe every single bit of what you read is false. Plus we are told to limit tuna and the likes as it contains mercury so I wonder why fillings are OK. I've had so many fillings I too have had this worry in the past, but I guess dentists wouldn't use it if it wasn't safe.

---------- Post added at 16:39 ---------- Previous post was at 16:38 ----------

I've just Googled (naughty) and apparently the Mercury found in fish is a highly toxic form so that would be the reason we are told to limit it

30-10-16, 21:45
Interesting thread

I have never really thought about mercury levels in fillings as I have had a few, but trust my dentist that she would not use something which have not been tested and proven safe.

I broken a filling in the past in 2006 and must have swallow it whilst eating, possibly with a bit of tooth.

I dont think the amount of fillings I have had all mecury (apart from one white bonding) has affected me. apart from my health anxiety which may or may have come on over the years for me or too much googling or as you get older you worry more.

Is the mercury levels all around us or I am thinking of radition.

Dont Google.

31-10-16, 09:55
I actually had a quick look for this, and a lot of the scare stories are from woo woo sites and tabloid nonsense from the Daily Mail.

Here's a thorough look at it from the Colgate website - http://www.colgate.com/en/us/oc/oral-health/procedures/fillings/article/dental-amalgam-a-health-risk

The headline for me being:

Studies have shown that the amount of mercury you are exposed to from your fillings is less than the amount that most people are exposed to in their daily environment or in the food they eat.

31-10-16, 09:59
I can understand your worry, you see all sorts on Google and I don't believe every single bit of what you read is false. Plus we are told to limit tuna and the likes as it contains mercury so I wonder why fillings are OK. I've had so many fillings I too have had this worry in the past, but I guess dentists wouldn't use it if it wasn't safe.

---------- Post added at 16:39 ---------- Previous post was at 16:38 ----------

I've just Googled (naughty) and apparently the Mercury found in fish is a highly toxic form so that would be the reason we are told to limit it

I remember reading about that issue on sites talking about eating more oily fish for the Omega 3's. One worked out the amount of fish you would need to eat to be at risk from Mercury and lets just say it wouldn't matter unless you were a whale...:D

02-03-18, 13:14
I am treated for severe anxiety and I am also trying to do whatever else I can to help ease it. I have slowly been getting my amalgam fillings replaced in case they are the cause or contributor. Amalgam fillings can be very poisonous to people especially people who can not effectively detoxify metals in their body. Europe has now banned amalgam fillings for children and breast feeding women. (not sure about women who already have them).


You should be able to ask for these tests on the NHS as the mercury is put in your body by them. I will be asking my doctor for a test when I'm next in.
I have also asked for liver and kidney function tests before which i was given, no questions asked and turns out it was good that I got them.