View Full Version : Went snooping on google again, relapse over Schiz fear

28-10-16, 20:14
Don't know why I decided to go back to google and research schizophrenia, but I came across an article written by someone suffering with schizo.

They described their early symptoms before their first psychotic break in a way that really made me nervous.

A lot of the early signs they talked about were only The flat effect, lack of hygiene, inappropriate responses, incomprehensible speech, loss of interest in "fun" activities, and lack of connection with friends.

Sometimes I feel as if I can come off very monotone or "flat," and I can feel a lack of emotional response to certain things. I also fear that I don't have a large sense of empathy. Aside from that, I fear that I'm also losing interest in what would be deemed "fun activities," Like today, my friends are having a party, and I'm leaning toward not going because it just doesn't sound all that fun. Sometimes, I feel like I am distancing from my friends and I don't seem them very often or even speak to them.

This is all very distressing. I'll leave a link to the page, so you guys can read in further detail and hopefully help out. Sorry if I'm pestering the forums with my incessant posting about schizophrenia.


29-10-16, 11:35
Shy you're not alone, but I want you to know that those symptoms are anxiety as well. You have nothing to fear I promise you.