View Full Version : Disease and worry

28-10-16, 21:24
Heya guys, ok well this is a bit of a random thought I had, my family and I were all out shopping for the day and we were having loads of fun. Well we came to this shore that had voice changer toys and they had one that was open for anyone to try, well we all did including my three and six year old but my three year old put it in her mouth and my six year old tried it too. Well I'm worried as it was easily accessible to anyone what if we have all caught some terrible disease from it we really didn't think we were just having fun and laughing t how funny our voices sound. What if something horrible happens should I go to the doctors and explain get blood tests or something or will they just laugh me out of the surgery.

Many thanks for any advice and support

29-10-16, 00:51
Hi. Firstly, calm down. You're not going to catch any diseases. Yes it's not hygienic, but I'm a firm believer that kids need to be exposed to some germs to help build their immunity. Have a think back to your childhood. I bet you've put far worse things in your mouth. And think about how many times you will have shared things like drinks and not caught anything. X

29-10-16, 08:07
Thank you pepperpot for taking the time to reply, yeah you are right my partner has said exactly the same as you too. It's weird how my anxiety works lately it just seems to latch on to some random thought and it turns it into some huge problem. :blush: we were just having fun and didn't think about anything sinister and then true to form anxiety rears it's ugly head again and whamo nights of worry and panic:blush:.

Thank you so much for your reply :hugs: x