View Full Version : omeprazole/lansoprazole link to anxiety

30-10-16, 00:12
I've noticed that my anxiety has been taken to a new level since I've been on anti acid meds. A small bit of research on non anxiety forums showed that hundreds of others have had the same experience. Has anyone else had this experience? Hopefully this info will help some on these meds.


30-10-16, 14:42
ive taken omeprazole for 4+ years and it has never caused my anxiety any problems

31-10-16, 20:10
I take Esomeprazole which is a stronger one than omeprazole and they have not made my anxiety any worse. I don't think my anxiety will ever go away.
My husband, and a few of my relations are taking omeprazole and none of them have anxiety problems.

01-11-16, 02:32
This is my first post, I too was just wondering this evening if my anti acid meds are causing me to have anxiety and rapid heart rate. I have been getting flushes throughout my body since i started taking anti acid meds. This just happened to me this evening. I was sitting down and i felt a flush of heat, a flutter in my heart and then my heart kicked off to 130 stayed there for 10 min and went back to normal beats. Anyone else get this???:scared15:

01-11-16, 18:17
I have been on omeprazole for years and have not noticed any connection with my anxiety.

02-11-16, 23:17
I was taking Omeprazole for a few months last year for excessive heartburn that just would not go away. I had tried all of the over the counter medications first, none helped and to be honest the Omeprazole did nothing for me either - I'd take them and then end up feeling "stuffed", it was a horrible sensation that always ended with me throwing up.

What does work for me though is good old chewing gum; This might sound strange but if I get heartburn now chewing on a bit of gum always relieves it - a temporary solution maybe but definitely welcome when the need arrives.

On the subject of increased anxiety, I honestly didn't notice that type of negative effect but we all react differently to things.

11-11-16, 03:49
OK, it's 3:44am, I tried to sleep but the Omeprazole related symptoms have returned. I started to take it again on advice from my GP, and here we go again. A tense feeling in my upper back between my shoulder blades like someone pushing their fists into my back, palpitations so strong that I could literally hear my heart beating in bed, like a clicking sound.

This is now the second time of starting these type of meds that I get this exact feeling. But of course the GP says it's all in my head. I swear I could walk in to my doctors with a broken leg and they'd blame anxiety.

11-11-16, 04:20
I've taken OTC PPIs and have been on Pantoprazole for several years. The only side effect has been no reflux or indigestion. There have been studies in this and they've concluded that there is no direct link. Mind you, stopping he meds and experiencing symptoms definitely increase anxiety and stress related symptoms. I have to agree with the medical professionals concerning this.

Positive thoughts

11-11-16, 05:28
I've taken Omeprazole for many years on and off. I've never noticed any reaction except that it helps hugely with acid reflux.
I've always had a problem taking medication suspecting vague side effects that I've discovered later were actually in my mind and nothing to do with the medication.
My suggestion would be to stop taking it and see if your anxiety subsides.

16-11-16, 06:20
Omeprazole never made my anxiety worse. But reflux did. Maybe your reflux is triggering your anxiety?