View Full Version : Pain on left side of body

30-10-16, 00:58
Hello all,

For the past three days or so, my ribs have felt bruised on both sides of my body but moreso on the left. The bruised feeling starts underneath both my breasts and extends all the way to my back. I also have stabbing pains in my abdomen and my abdomen is tender to touch, mostly on the left upper side. I sometimes feel the stabbing in my back as well. I am so worried it's my spleen or kidneys or pancreas. I haven't been diagonosed with IBS, but i suspect I have it due to other symptoms I have. Has anyone else had this? Could this be GI related? I'm so worried it's serious. :/

30-10-16, 01:28
I get all these symptoms and then some. Especially the tenderness of the abdomen. One of the hardest things to rationalise in my opinion, makes me feel like my body is riddled with cancer or something. The only thing I can rationalise is that if I was, they'd have picked something up in a blood test by now as I've had so many. I'd give anything just for some kind of full body xray!

Fact of the matter is stress and anxiety drains your body of a lot of it's nutrients and vitamins, which can of course lead to unexplained aches and pains in the muscles and also tiredness aswell.

Make sure you're taking some kind of supplement to help with this, B & D vitamins in particular and maybe try some probiotic yogurts aswell just incase there's an imbalance in your gut that might be causing IBS like symptoms.

Try not to worry, it'll be fine :)

30-10-16, 02:49
Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I appreciate it. I keep getting intermittent stabbing on my upper left abdomen and it goes through to my back. I'm worried one of my organs is going to rupture. I hope it is all just anxiety but it's hard to believe :(

31-10-16, 03:56
I wouldn't worry about that. I've never heard of a condition that can just make your organs rupture or anything like that.

I get how worried you are though, believe me. Past 6 months I've had chronic pain in my back and similar abdominal pains that you describe. It's hard to picture it as something not very serious because it feels like it must be, right?

You just need to reassure yourself that whatever is causing it, it will pass with time. The body heals itself, that's what it does. Everything get's better if you give it enough time.

31-10-16, 16:12
Hello all,

For the past three days or so, my ribs have felt bruised on both sides of my body but moreso on the left. The bruised feeling starts underneath both my breasts and extends all the way to my back. I also have stabbing pains in my abdomen and my abdomen is tender to touch, mostly on the left upper side. I sometimes feel the stabbing in my back as well. I am so worried it's my spleen or kidneys or pancreas. I haven't been diagonosed with IBS, but i suspect I have it due to other symptoms I have. Has anyone else had this? Could this be GI related? I'm so worried it's serious. :/

I have the same discomfort but my GP say it is nothing. I had abdominal ultrasound. Nothing bad with the pancreas they said. A little fat on the liver they said I should not worru about. But I do. I have read som many horryfying stories out on the net. I hope it is GI related. I have had acid reflux since I was a kid although I was diagnosed only ten years ago.