View Full Version : I have really bad anxiety today!! - My Story

30-10-16, 10:32
I normally post on here trying to assist people with their concerns, because I have been through a lot of it myself, and can manage it... most days.

But there are still times where I relapse and I have for the last two days.

I am just like everyone else on here.

So I thought it'd be a good time to post my full story. (Focusing on doing other things is a good way to break the cycle! :) )

I've had anxiety and worry for as long as I can remember. One of the earliest worries I had was during the "Mad Cow Disease" crisis in the early 90's. I could have only been 11 or 12, but I remember seeing it EVERYWHERE in the newspapers, and on TV. I was convinced I had it. I'd eaten beef, so I must have it right? :mad:

Those worries kept me up at night and made me think about all of the worst case scenarios. I stopped eating beef immediately and would obsessively check the ingredients of everything I ate to see if it contained beef products.

One Sunday whilst visiting my Grandad he said to us: "You know they think you can get it from leather sofas now?"

:ohmy: We had a large leather sofa and two leather armchairs. I didn't sit in them for at least five years. And I'm not even exaggerating!

It took me until 2008 before I summoned up the courage to eat beef again!

I'd also cry myself to sleep worrying about my parents, and what if something happened to them.


You name it I've had it.

Health Anxiety is the one that returns to rear its head. It only takes a week of cold and flu for that to kick in. It is HARD to control, but it can be done. You need to train yourself to release each sensation as it comes and goes. You need to become an expert in yourself. Maybe I'll write more about that one day.

Social Anxiety still holds me back some days. It takes me AGES to really be myself around people, but when I do let go, people always seem to enjoy my company. I'm just a bit of a sensitive flower!! Today my anxiety held me back, and I had to pull out of a Halloween party. It didn't bother me. I was incredibly tired, and know that I need to recover.

Intrusive Thoughts most of our thoughts are intrusive, it just that some are helpful, and some are not. You need to learn to observe these thoughts and consciously make a decision on whether you need to give any value to these thoughts. (I did a video on this which you might have seen. (http://bit.ly/2dfFqvb))

Intrusive thoughts plagued my life for several months in 2008, and drove me into a deep depression. At one point it seemed like the only way out to protect the people around me was to commit suicide. Fortunately I found help, and No More Panic really connected me with some great people. (I'd forgotten my original login, but found it again recently. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=15182)) I even had an intrusive thought THIS YEAR about the idea of committing suicide, and that did cause me to panic. But after the experiences of the past, I first got myself into a calm place by letting the panic pass, and then talking through my thought rationally.

Depression as I said was huge in 2008, and to some degree again in 2014. It was ALL caused by anxiety, and identification with my thoughts. ALL OF IT. It took me 6 months to get out of that hole, and just to feel "normal" again. Not feeling "amazing" or "great" just "normal".

I was prescribed Citalopram in 2008, and it may have helped, I am not sure. I was never big on the idea of drugs. Part of me knew that my depression was self-made, and I was determined to find a way out. I was prescribed Sertraline about two months ago, after a difficult week, but again, I knew it was only because I was going through a separation, and that I needed to handle things myself. I gave myself two days to try and clear my head before taking them, and by the end of the two days I felt great, so they are sitting in a drawer next to my bed.


People have asked me a couple of times if there is a cure, and the answer is no.

Today I have felt like absolute crap. My mind has been all over the place. I'm trying to rebuild my life, and EVERY DAY is an up-hill battle even without anxiety. So today has felt like there is no hope for the future. (Deep down I know there is, and I have to lock onto that, and make that the focus of my attention.)

At bedtime, I found myself focussing on my heart, and an intrusive thought wanted to check for missed beats. "Here we go...." I thought.

It was pointless. Just my anxiety playing tricks because I am tired and vulnerable. In my head I visualised a 30 mile cycle route that I could do today, and befrore I knew it, I was asleep. I don't normally go for "distraction" techniques, but this time it seemed like a good idea, because I know the thoughts are worthless.

Is then an answer?
Yes. I have run myself into the ground this week. Anxiety in some ways surfaces to let me know I am treating myself poorly. That makes some people feel worse, and it used to for me. But now I know I need to...

Take corrective measures!
This week i've had too many late nights. Too much alcohol. Bakewell tarts for breakfast.... :unsure: No exercise....

All of these things will contribute to anxiety.

When I have anxious days I go easy on myself.
I know I am in a sensitive way, so I do not compound things by beating myself up for being anxious. I keep the day as simple as possible, and just focus on getting through without making it worse.

Often on these days I will go for short walks, and just appreciate the small things in life. There is a video in my signature highlighted in pink where I talk about this. It IS SO IMPORTANT to break the anxiety with small moments of peace. I cannot stress it enough. It broke me free of anxiety in 2008, in a thousand tiny steps.

Today, I'm going to go for a bike ride and listen to some music. Maybe play some games, and get an early night. Try and focus on all the positives, and know that tomorrow can and WILL be a better day.

Hope you are well today. Take care of yourself, and don't beat yourself up for feeling anxious. It is your own personal puzzle you need to solve. It can be done, and you don't need to feel anxious forever.

I tarred myself with the "anxiety/depression" brush for years, until one day I thought... "I am making this worse for myself." Just because you have anxiety today, doesn't mean you can't escape from it. I talk about how I made a huge leap in beating anxiety in this video. Change Your Labels. (http://bit.ly/2eaME2e)

Anyway, I should probably take some time off to recover. :D

Enjoy your day as much as you can.


30-10-16, 12:22
Thank you, SLA. I'm sorry you've had a bad patch, but it's good to read about how you manage and will ultimately pull yourself out of it. It is helpful to know this is doable.

I was at some training the other day where they talked about mental health vs mental illness. Each is on its own continuum and the two intersect. The important takeaway for me was we can have no diagnosed mental illness, but we can flourish or languish in our mental health. Likewise, we can have a diagnosed mental illness and still flourish or languish in our mental health. I don't have a diagnosed mental illness, but I know I am languishing in my mental health. But that also means, regardless, that I can flourish again.

Anyway, knowing by your advice that you have given me and others on this forum you know how to flourish again. Thank you so much for sharing your story. :)

30-10-16, 14:04
Sorry to hear you are feeling crap mate, from speaking to you the last few weeks I know you gave me some excellent advice and you have all the tools you need to combat your low points, sometimes it is frustrating when we are making good progress and a few bad days can seemingly come out of the blue when we dont expect it. Like you say with anxiety it often is telling us something needs to change and we can treat it like a helpful signpost.

30-10-16, 14:47
Thanks for sharing your experiences. Sorry you are having a bad time. I'm going through similar myself, trying to get myself back on track. Made myself do things today. Long walk with dog, and a fair bit of cutting back in the garden. Still feel crap but at least I'm doing stuff. Hope we all feel better soon. I can cope with anxiety on its own, but health anxiety on top of my usual anxiety is very difficult to deal with.

30-10-16, 14:58
I'm re-reading your story and about your anxiety and worry from a young age. Your Mad Cow experience closely mirrors some of the anxiety I had to big world events. When the San Francisco earthquake happened in 1989 I remember asking my parents if it was going to come to us in Canada - like it was a storm or something. I remember worries over Mad Cow too. Then it was end of the world stuff - Nostradamus, Y2K, and all that crap. I was scared at night and would call out to my parents. I spent a year obsessively praying in my early teens because I thought it would keep my alive somehow (I'm an atheist now, so that comfort isn't available to me).

Anyway, I hadn't given much thought to how much I worried and was anxious in my early life and how that might answer some of the why's as to why this anxiety happens now.

30-10-16, 15:02
Thanks guys.

I'm taking it easy on myself today. I keep putting pressure on myself todo stuff, and its making it worse.

Just been playing some games on my computer, and going to go out for a walk.


30-10-16, 15:24
Sorry you're feeling it today x

30-10-16, 16:06
You can't go wrong with a good game and a decent walk (preferably in the dark for me ;-))

30-10-16, 18:16

Thanks Katy and KeeKee.

30-10-16, 19:36
Sorry to hear your going through a rough patch. Take it easy and look after yourself for a few days. Hopefully you will pull yourself out of it as you have done before. X

30-10-16, 19:43
Sorry to hear you're having a cr@ppy couple of days. You are right though, as there is no cure, you just have to accept it sometimes and work towards lessening its effects. We're humans with brains, not robots, after all.
You add a lot to this forum and we all wish you well. And I can resonate with the mad cow disease fear, I think that's what started my health anxiety too. I even thought I had it for a while.
What an evil beast this is. Well done you for recognising and working on your anxiety and finding ways to manage it. Your videos I'm sure are helping a lot of people.

30-10-16, 20:42
Thanks again Carrie and Mum.

I'm feeling a bit better. There is still this lingering feeling of being trapped, and isolated. But I am trying to think of ways to get me out of feeling like this.

A holiday would be ideal. :D

Love to you all, you've given me a boost when I needed it. :hugs:

30-10-16, 20:48
Inspiring post, some really thought provoking stuff in there. Keep doing what you're doing, recovery is a process and sadly there is no magic wand. Be prepared for step backs but never lose sight of the ultimate goal.

31-10-16, 08:13
Thanks Tracey.

Everyones words gave me great comfort. I actually went to bed last night feeling pretty emotional. Everything seemed to catch up with me.

I realised how my memories of spending time as a family (ie. the 4 of us) were slowly fading away. It's been so long now since we were all together, that at times it feels a different life completely. And looking at my Ex now, a woman who I married and loved dearly... well it's just weird looking at someone you spent 7 years with, and it's like none of that ever happened now.

Anyway... I spent too long thinking about the past.

Get a cup of tea in me, and hopefully today will work out well.

31-10-16, 08:40
I think it is important to you and your recovery to post your own story on the forum.

31-10-16, 09:43
Sorry to hear you're having a bad time at the moment mate :(

I also find gaming to be extremely helpful. Battlefield 1 is my current choice.

31-10-16, 10:36
Thanks Carnation and Colica.

I need to remember to follow my own advice.

There is still this weird background hum of anxiety today. Like being plugged in to a low voltage current. :D

I think I need a new woman in my life to take up my attention!!

Bike Rider
14-11-16, 14:22
Hope you are feeling better now, I know what it's like, as do most on here I suppose. Having a rough patch myself and worried that the Floux that I have been on for 8 weeks has failed to work.

Yes, I know what you have gone through and feel for you, just try to hang in there, I know it's hard to do, but what else is there.

14-11-16, 15:13
Thanks Bike Rider, that is very kind. :)

I've gradually improved, and feel back to normal, but not 100%.

Had an amazing day out in London on friday, and that was causing me a lot of anxiety, but once I got there it was just fantastic.

Met one of my heroes, and had a tour of Abbey Road Studios. Watched a comedy gig in the evening, and had a few drinks and got a decent amount of attention from some attractive women. (Which as a balding separated guy is pretty awesome!)

A real confidence booster of a day.

One thing I read in a book lately is that in order to "thrive" in life, we have to be continually expanding our comfort zone. If it is contracting then we are in trouble!

Do not shut yourself off from experiences just because you don't like the feeling of anxiety. I've done it for far too long, and at 33 i've had enough!

I wanted to do a video on the day out but my brother didn't want me to.

I got stopped by the police at Waterloo, and they asked what I was filming on my camera. I said a vlog for YouTube. They thought it was pretty cool! :D

Bike Rider
14-11-16, 16:17
Awesome, well done, keep going.

14-11-16, 16:58

Thank you genuinely for sharing your account of living with anxiety and all that it entails.

You've helped me on a number of occasions over the last year by offering logical answers when my anxious fueled brain has been unwilling to think rationally.

You fought the fight and won - You may have "bad" days but you're more than equipped now to deal with it and get back on track; I hope one day soon I can find the strength that you have, you should be proud of how far you've come.

I'm going to watch your video later this evening, thank you for sharing it.

Best wishes.

23-11-16, 16:19
I work at a college and everyone is in a flap about a meningitis outbreak.

This has caused me to go.... :D

"ok...prepare for a wave of health anxiety."

Have been feeling slightly rubbish lately, so will no doubt have a storm to weather.

Going to drink cider and watch the snooker tonight, and not going checking for rashes.

Yay, winter is nearly here... :huh:

23-11-16, 17:23
Just remember, you'd not be in any doubt if you had meningitis. It progresses rapidly and aggressively. So if you're walking around and feeling alright, you are alright.

23-11-16, 17:43
Are you sure its not meningitis??


When the call came through, I was like.... "Oh f**k..."

But I mostly laugh at my stupid anxious thoughts these days. They are outdated.

Still working on the thoughts telling me I am no good at anything. :D

23-11-16, 17:56
Yeah, those are the thoughts that still dog me. I was more or less born with a negative view of my abilities. Put on a positive note, I now recognise it for the disorder it always was and I expect to become a better person for it. So will you.

30-11-16, 12:21
Boy have I been struggling lately...

I'm not sure of the exact cause of the problem, but I have been slowly slipping into a bit of a depression. A few days recently I have felt "the cloud" coming over my head again. Last night driving home, I had an intrusive thought of sticking my foot down and driving into a wall. It didn't bother me for long, but showed me just how tired and stressed my brain is deep-down. I also have hit my head really hard 3 times, and I have been suffering with on and off headaches. I am sure it is nothing, but my HA is raging at me in the backgroud. Hammering at the window while I whistle to try and ignore it.

Now, its been a tough year, and I try not to dwell on things. But just lately I have felt inexplicably low at various points. Maybe its missing my daughters. Maybe its missing being in love. Could be a lack of money, opportunities, or feeling trapped at my parents.

I do put too much pressure on myself, that is for sure. I've somewhat foolishly set myself a challenge of doing a video diary every day in December. That seems like it'd be fun, and interesting, but also will take a lot of work. Especially if I am not feeling great. I'll give it a go, but it does feel a bit like the sword of Damocles hanging over my head.

Also, I haven't been looking after myself very well at all. Eating poorly. Not had much motivation to exercise. Drinking a bit too much.

Felt so low earlier I could have walked out of work, and quit.

Anyway... I think I might take a short break from the forum for a week, so I can focus on getting out of this slump. And to remind myself of my own advice at times.

I need a "hard reset" before I get any worse. I'll let you know how I get on.

Jason x

30-11-16, 12:51
Good luck SLA. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to prevent a slip. I don't believe we can always counter low moods with healthy eating and exercise etc, so don't go blaming yourself for your low mood. Could be the time of year too, without trying to pour salt in the wound this will be your first year without the family together. It must be very hard. I spent my first Christmas night as a Mother alone. The first night I'd ever been literally alone in my life. Wasn't very nice. You can always come on here and vent.

30-11-16, 13:01
Good luck SLA, hope to see you back soon - you're a much-appreciated voice of reason round here.

30-11-16, 13:15
Do what you have to do to get yourself on track. You have an advantage in that you recognize the situation regardless of the irrationality of your thoughts. I've read your posts and watched a few of your videos and I fully confident you'll be fine :)

Positive thoughts

01-12-16, 00:06
Thank you for posting this. I really needed to hear this today. Anxiety is so tough and it's such a vicious cycle. I'be noticed that exercise is key for me. So often it really helps to put me in a better mindset and get me back on track. However, when you're not feeling well or struggling with health anxiety, it's tough!

01-12-16, 08:01
I don't really know you because I have been back only a short time but I like reading your posts. You have a lot of common sense, it comes across in your posts. And I like common sense. lol Also, I have a very dry sense of humour and so do you. You make me laugh. I hope you come back soon. This board needs you. ��

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------

Stupid bloody iPhone, these ?? were supposed to be this :)

01-12-16, 08:36
I think it's a good idea that you're taking a bit of a break as you do work incredibly hard on here trying to help people and this must put a lot of pressure on you. You've been through a lot recently in your personal life and this time of the year must be particularly difficult. If managing anxiety and depression were simply a question of good diet and exercise then we'd all be fine and dandy-there's a lot more to it than that and sometimes you need to put yourself first and work out how best to help yourself, not others. Take care, Jason.

01-12-16, 08:41
I'm sorry you are not feeling great. You've been a great help on here, and I've found your posts very calming to read when I've been spiralling. Anxiety is such a devious thing. Like you I know all the things I have to do to feel better, but as you've said before its simple but not easy. You will get through this we always do. Take it easy on yourself.

01-12-16, 12:05
Sorry you're at a low point. Take care of yourself :)

04-12-16, 20:50
Sorry you are going through a rough patch.

Thank you for sharing your story. Many of us can recognize ourselves in other's experiences. You are very insightful. It makes me feel better when reading other anxiety-sufferer's experiences. I grew up with anxiety surrounded by friends and family that didn't understand it. It was very isolating for sure.

This time of year can be tough too, shorter days, holidays. etc. It seems you know what steps to take, good luck with it all. One day at a time.

You are not alone. :)

05-12-16, 11:01
Thank you so much for the nice messages.

I definitely had a big "blip" last tuesday, and it was quite a low point.

I've sorted out some conflict in my life, and tried to take it easy. The worries about my head have thankfully disappeared. :D

Need to keep on this upward trend again now.

Thanks again.

05-12-16, 12:24
Glad to hear you are on an upswing again!

22-12-16, 12:18
Can relate to all the points in your post! Just subscribed to you on Youtube (Abi) and you remind me a lot of myself the way you talk about what you go through. You seem very pragmatic and seem to look at things in a practical way to try and take the best out of them.

That's awesome and you already have all the tools to deal with your difficult times. I guess this is just something we have to learn over time. I think its interesting though that those of us who try to rationalise and understand things on a deeper level seem to suffer the worst with anxiety or mental illnesses. We sensitive souls seem to have a need to connect with something greater and perhaps we see too much importance in our own thoughts and feelings.

Any total random rant there. Lol sorry!

Enjoying your videos and I honestly think you'd write a great book on anxiety/your story so far if you ever felt like it.

We can all learn to take positives from our struggles. You're a great example I think! Well done keep going.

22-12-16, 12:29
I've seen a lot of your posts on here, and you give comfort and logic to lot of people.
I hope you're feeling better. you certainly have the tools to get there.

10-02-17, 15:00
Man I feel so rough today.

Just feel really low for some reason. AGH.

The force fields are down. The negative thoughts are breaking through...

I don't think I have EVER had a good February. It seems like it is impossible for me.

Last year I was sick, and had a spell of really bad HA.

Now I just feel like a turd on a stick.

:D <insert your favourite swear word here>

10-02-17, 16:22
At least you are in an elevated position, unlike those other turds :)

I've had a shocking few days too. Went for a run today in the snow and that has cleared my head a lot. So get out on your bike it you have the time, it might help.

10-02-17, 16:24
:D <insert your favourite swear word here>

Sooooo temping ;) Sorry you're feeling rough but on the bright side there's only 18 days left in February! :D

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
10-02-17, 16:31
I agree about February, at least in January i can keep my Christmas tree up without feeling guilty, but February is just a nothing month while waiting for spring to be sprung. I've felt more down this month too.

Hope you start to feel better soon turd face :D

ISB x x x

13-02-17, 08:42
Sorry you are feeling rough, SLA.