View Full Version : Help. Anxiety and Panic

30-10-16, 12:29
I can't think straight as before bed last night i got an email saying request had veen made to recover my google account but it then listed my hotmail address as the account? It had a verification code. I deleted the email then on another email account i got an email saying i had a request to reset my apple account. I deleted the email and changed passwords then i got another email from moviestarplanet asking to confirm my email.. I deleted again but also changed all my passwords and put a few extra controls but my anxiety has now made me panic and i can't think straight as my ocd anxiety is going crazy. Should i email this moviestarplanet and say someone trying to use my email or just ignore? I start a new job tmmrw and need to be relaxed and get dome sleep but i am panicking. How do these people have both my different e mail details as i usually only use one or the other. Should i try to forget now i have changed password etc. I have 2 children and one has ocd so i am not setting a good example all panicky. Thanks. Its such a ramble i inow. I came off the waiting list for therapy as i did not want it to spoil my job prospects.

30-10-16, 13:22
If you've changed the passwords it should be fine

30-10-16, 13:27
Thank you @shezney. My mind just go's in to panick mode. Rationale just dissappears. :)

30-10-16, 13:31
I know the feeling lol

30-10-16, 19:54
It seems you've done all you can. If you can turn on two-step verification on your gmail account, you could do that. You could also check out how to set 'pass phrases' instead of simple passwords (as in actual words). The spammers don't have your particular details, usually, but send out millions and millions of combinations and sometimes they get it right, that is: your address. I sometimes get e-mail about "my account" in UK-based banks, but I'm in another country. It just proves the scale of these scams. What you could do is to set up a secondary e-mail address (new) that you use for your banking purposes and suchlike, the more important financial stuff, so you never receive this kind of information on your other accounts. You never use this account for ordinary emails. That way, it's easier to tell if an email is false or not: if it doesn't arrive through the right channel, you know it's in all likelihood false. Use a so-called password manager (it's a software) for storing your passwords. PC magazines usually write about these things in simple language on their web pages. It's understandable to be panicky about these things, one does feel a bit exposed and unprotected when these things happen.

30-10-16, 20:20
Thank you for your advice @randomforeigner. How i would advise anyone then how i act don't bare any resemblance. Thats anxiety for us. Thank you.