View Full Version : coming off setraline after 8 weeks

31-10-16, 05:41
hello all ,
i have decided to come off sertraline after 8 weeks after being prescribed for panic attacks and general anxiety .. feeling completly numb with no emotion , constantly having to think about the right word to use when speaking and overall feeling quite dumb
in conjunction with this i have been seeing a phych and eating well /exercising , aswell as mindfullness meditation
i have now been off it for 5 days - getting a few brain zaps but the above side effects are what really bother me .. sleep is fine also
can anyone please advise with their experience and how long it took to get back to their ' old self ' after stopping?
any advise would be greatly appriciated
stay well

02-11-16, 19:18
Hi! I came off sertraline late last year after about four months on it. I also had brain zaps.. It was so weird, my head kinda just twitched by itself. I felt a little bit "out of it" for a while, too. It took just over a month for me to feel a bit more normal again. But I guess everyone is different. Hope you're doing okay!:bighug1: