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View Full Version : Insomnia and trips to the er

31-10-16, 06:47
Hey. Im coming off Mirtazipine and i have been having severe anxiety and blood pressure that fluctuates. I went to er they said severe anxeity. I also have been having crying spells,dry mouth lack of appitite my sleep is usually only 3 hours. Will this ever go.

31-10-16, 19:18

Are you coming off the meds in a slow and metered fashion? Do you have a doctor or health advisor you trust checking in with you during the process?

I am so sorry you are having such a hard go of things.

This will pass.

Does any kind of distraction work for you while the anxiety is particularly bad?
Colouring book? Crosswords? Solitare? Going for a walk? Alphabetizing your movie collection? Sometimes it it pretty near impossible to squash the anxiety (esp. physical effects) and pull yourself out.

But keep trying.

Hopefully you're on a good plan with the tapering off meds. Perhaps you're going at too quick a pace or too much of a cut at once. Hopefully you can consult with a professional in that. And maybe ask for some clearance/approval for things that might help support your body in other ways. (Light exercise, chamomile tea, perhaps a short-term, non-addictive sleep aid like valerian or melontonin)
Again, all things you can hopefully research or get approval for.

Thinking good thoughts for you.


31-10-16, 20:16
Hi Bukendaa,

I am also coming off Mirtazapine and having some issues. I was on 30mg since March, it never did much so I started venlafaxine as well which did help a lot with the anxiety. Anyway I put on a lot of weight so have chosen to come off the Mirt. My psych said to just stop but I didn't believe that would be ok.

I was on 30 mg, cut down to 22.5 for a week and now on day 4 at 15. First week was fine but really feeling crap now.

How fast have you come off and how long/how much were you on?