View Full Version : Any short term users withdrawing?

31-10-16, 08:03
I'm looking to talk to someone in a similar position to me. I was prescribed 5mg diazepam for sleep whilst waiting for my antidepressants to kick in. With an awfully advised taper in between I have now been off the diazepam for 6 days (including tapers was on them for about 3.5 months). Anyone in a similar position or has been and is now healed? Just looking for encouragement

04-02-17, 03:19
I'm the same, was prescribed 5mg a few months ago for brutal panic attacks, though now I've found myself just taking them to prevent the panic attacks from happening

Anyway, I've been off them for a few days now and not feeling any more anxious than I usually would. I don't think 5mg is a massive dose and I'm hoping a few months won't have made me too dependent.

Good luck either way!