View Full Version : has anyone heard of NPDH

31-10-16, 08:13
Has anyone heard of New Daily Persistent Headache ,Ive had headache for over 2 months and starting to worry its this which has no cure ,do you think its my health anxiety ?

31-10-16, 11:06
Yes, i have had it for 6 months.

Its not debilitating at all, just really bloody annoying. I've had MRI's and there's nothing in my brain, so logically it can ONLY be my anxiety.

In my case, I believe, its caused by my body being tensed all the time, specifically my shoulder and neck and my teeth, when I "catch myself" in my tense state and relax I can feel my head and face muscles relax.

31-10-16, 11:30
Thanks for reply but NPDH says theres no cure and its not anxiety ?

31-10-16, 12:56
Thanks for reply but NPDH says theres no cure and its not anxiety ?

If there's nothing in your brain what else can it be?

Tension headaches, by definition, are caused by Tension? Which is caused by Anxiety.

04-11-16, 20:05
Thanks for reply but NPDH says theres no cure and its not anxiety ?

And one of the listed causes for it is anxiety/depression. Jimmy, you've had tests that are clear, so there is nothing wrong with your brain. I've also had a persistent headache every day for over a month, got into the habit of taking paracetamol regularly - which then causes rebound headache. I'm stressed and anxious, I know this causes tension in my muscles, I sleep awkwardly, disturbed, and wake feeling like crap. But I know the cause, and although at the moment it's not helping much, I have to work on relaxing the muscles.

You won't find an answer on Google I'm afraid.

04-11-16, 20:48
Do you take tylenol (paracetamol) frequently for headaches or other muscle aches? Awhile back I had a daily headache, and did a little research and found that tylenol in some people can cause rebound pain if taken frequently (eg/ multiple times per week). So I switched to advil and it really helped.

And yes, anxiety creates tension in the muscles in the head and neck which can cause headaches. As long as that muscle tension is there, the headache probably will be too.

Relaxation techniques do help. I'm a fairly chronic headache/migraine sufferer and relaxation helps me.

Good luck!