View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

02-04-07, 19:43
Well this is my first post ever on this site. I'm sixteen years old and I'm really worried about my health, problem is I have a lot of trouble talking to others about it. I have few questions concerning if what I'm feeling is anxiety or something else that could actually be life-threatening.

It started last May when I was running around with some of my friends. We were just sprinting and climbing trees and stuff like that. Then we went inside and played DDR. It was the first time in a couple months that I had actually done anything strenuous. Later that night I was sitting down to watch TV, but for some reason I felt incredibly anxious. I couldn't sit still. I went downstairs just to get away from everyone and tried to calm down, but I could hear my heart pounding, which eventually led to a full blown panic attack. My dad called 911, because my heart was beating so fast. My whole body went numb too, I couldn't stop shaking. The paramedics told me it was just panic, but I had never experienced anything that before.

I've been so scared over the past year. Panic is starting to consume my life, my hands are always shaking, I have chest pains, I'm afraid to excersise. I can't help but think that this has something to do with my heart. I really just need some support and reassurance and maybe an explanation as to what caused this.

02-04-07, 20:05

And welcome to NMP, im sure you find some great advice here while making new friends on the way.:) I hope we can be of some help hun.

Take a look at the "Symptoms" First Step" and "How to Cope" Links sittuated at the left hand side of the page, im sure you will find them of help.

Sending you hugs too :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:



02-04-07, 21:12
Hi and welcome aboard

It does sound like anxiety to me but you will get loads of help on here.

02-04-07, 23:01
sounds 100% like anxiety/panic to me. Take care. Vernon

03-04-07, 10:14
yep sounds like anxiety,i know you said you cant talk to others about it but maybe you need to explain to your dad justhow much this is affecting your life and how worried you are about it. Perhaps he will take you to see someone who will offer you reassurance and some help to start to beat this thing,its hard enough being a teenager without trying to cope with anxiety/panic as well my heart goes out to you.

03-04-07, 19:03
Hello !
Everyone here can relate to this first full blown panic attack ! You need some reassurance. First of all you need to understand that when we are anxious all our emotions go into overdrive and what are normal physical symptoms become exaggerated IN A BIG WAY - hence your panic attack / rapid heart / breathing ....... Secondly panic attacks are not life threatening - they can be very frightening especially when they seem to come out of the blue......
Thirdly, now you know these facts (and they are true facts), you can do something positive about your panic right now - by breathing gently and telling yourself you are "calm and relaxed and safe and secure" again and again and again until the panic subsides. And it will. It always does. Eventually the fear of panic lessens and so will your anxiety.
Fourthly, if you've been reading these pages you know you are not on your own, panic is not unique to you. Many of us are overcoming panic and so can you.