View Full Version : Paniced over stool color just now

31-10-16, 15:59
I have tried to calm down recently but todays visit to the toilet reinforcec my fear again. And you now by now hat I fear. And the stools had a mix of light brown and dark brown color. Is that normal. Scared again:weep:

31-10-16, 16:02
You're worried because your poo is brown?

31-10-16, 16:03
Well, it was different on different sides. Parts of it liught brown, other parts of it dark brown. Which is unusual. I am still on high alert to anything that is unusual.

31-10-16, 16:19
Well, I'm not going to validate your fear by going into great detail about your fecal matter.

But I will point out the part of your post that does need addressing:

I am still on high alert to anything that is unusual.

31-10-16, 16:32
I have had various colours of my poo. I am also seeing gastroentrologist, but they haven't found anything serious so far. It seems like it's just IBS or parts of your poo was older than the light part.

31-10-16, 16:38
Thanks, Acadia. That could be as I have a slow stomach. Could very well be due to IBS. I most certainly hope so.

31-10-16, 16:42
I never understand stool obsession, because with a lifelong mix of IBS and a (my own fault here) poor diet I don't think I've ever had two that look the same... :shrug:

31-10-16, 16:44
Well I have had almost all the colours you could think of haha! Even was convinced, that it was blood. Shades of brown is really the least worrying colour. Try to calm down a little and pay less atention to your poo c:

PS: If you could look at my post in this forum and reply to me, i would be so glad, im panicking

31-10-16, 16:45
Well, what caused me to panick now was the fact that the last BM had different. On one stool.

31-10-16, 16:48
it's meaningless. You eat a variety of foods (I assume) so you'll produce a large variety of shapes and colors.

Try and not let the thoughts not become an obsession and effect your life. CBT and mindfulness techniques can help with this.

31-10-16, 17:43
id only tend to worry if they are incredibly watery, got blood in them or are painfully hard to pass, anything else is a pretty good day.
you can certainly get ones that change colour, a friend of mine described one of his as looking like the fat end of a pool cue i.e. one colour spliced into another. I`m assuming he didn`t mean roughly a foot long with a rubber end but you never know:D

31-10-16, 17:46
I just tend to be somewhat amused by poo obsessions (as I sip from my Bristol Stool Chart mug) :D

Positive thoughts and poo threads

31-10-16, 17:56
theres always at least one poo a thread on the go

31-10-16, 17:56

god yes I remember that well, range goes from khaki coloured water through to rabbit droppings! also amuses me greatly because we used to go to work in bristol every week some years back and never got bored of telling our southern friends that all they were famous for was a sh*t scale!

31-10-16, 18:07
I wonder why it's the "Bristol" Stool Chart? Should be Glas-go or Liverpoo

Don't mean to make light of this issue-I've recently gone through invasive bowel tests myself

31-10-16, 18:09
I wonder why it's the "Bristol" Stool Chart? Should be Glas-go or Liverpoo

~lol~ Amazing the difference leaving one letter off does eh?

Positive thoughts

31-10-16, 18:11
Nothing wrong with being concerned about your poop colour. I always have a good look at my poop and take note about the sound how loud the plop is.

Could be a mixture of old poop and new poop, what you are eating.

Keep looking at your poop

31-10-16, 18:14
I wonder why it's the "Bristol" Stool Chart? Should be Glas-go or Liverpoo

Or just Bristool.

31-10-16, 18:15
Nothing wrong with being concerned about your poop colour. I always have a good look at my poop and take note about the sound how loud the plop is.

Could be a mixture of old poop and new poop, what you are eating.

Keep looking at your poop

Not sure it's a great idea to keep looking at your poo

31-10-16, 18:16
sat here laughing at that one, years back in the works toilets which were very very basic cubicles in an outside hut type building one chap who clearly wasn`t easily embarrassed was whistling like the sound of a bomb dropping as he did his business then announcing `SPLOSH` as they landed. I can only assume he was sleep deprived, truly on another planet or just happy to make the rest of the sit down brigade laugh :D

31-10-16, 18:25
Nothing wrong with being concerned about your poop colour. I always have a good look at my poop and take note about the sound how loud the plop is.

Could be a mixture of old poop and new poop, what you are eating.

Keep looking at your poop

Can't tell if this is meant to be serious advice.

31-10-16, 18:48
Nothing wrong with being concerned about your poop colour. I always have a good look at my poop and take note about the sound how loud the plop is.

Could be a mixture of old poop and new poop, what you are eating.

Keep looking at your poop

Phil herein lies the difference between someone with HA and those without.

The rest of us rarely if ever look at our poo. We acknowledge that it varies day to day depending on a number of variables and we do not give it a second thought.

Poo wipe flush, stop looking or thinking about it

31-10-16, 19:49
I have HA but recognise that poo scrutiny is a no-no