View Full Version : I are turkey breast with pink spots

31-10-16, 16:30
Hello, I'm new here, but my HA is rather consuming my life, especially lately.

Today my mom cooked a turkey breast, which was all cooked to white color, however when i cut it open, there were some little pink/red dots. I assume that might be due to earlier bleeding but then there was a little bit bigger pinkish area (around 3mm) with weird texture. Does it mean it was undercooked? I ate it, however cut out the pink spots.

I'm freaking out about this, I don't want salmonelosis. Thank you for your help!

31-10-16, 16:48
But you did not eat the pink spots right? I guess it was not bad; I mean, blood in meat is not uncommon.

31-10-16, 16:50
Possibly a bit undercooked maybe, but it's impossible to say either way from the other end of the Internet. But you'll eat lots of slightly undercooked stuff without harm throughout your life, so try not to worry about it. Especially as you cut out the red bits. I've had this anxiety before about food, when I was getting used to a new electric hob I seriously undercooked some sausages and was panicking a bit, but I was 100% fine!

Let's put it this way, you'll know pretty quickly if you have food poisoning, but you'd be very unlucky if you did. I bet you'll be fine.

31-10-16, 16:50
Well I tried to observe each piece I cut very thoroughly and when I saw some spot, I cut it out. I didn't eat the most suspicious spot ofc and generally, I ate like half of the breast, because at that point I just got tired of cutting around. The juices were running clear and the meat was white except those few spots and few small veins.

31-10-16, 16:55
If the juices were running fine you'll be fine.

31-10-16, 17:22
I took a photo of the meat before i threw it out rn.

Under very bright white light:
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14914603_1459405450740948_1463350965_n.jpg?oh=1602 4e2333adf9a8fc35f94b6af2e934&oe=58193FCB

Under yellow light with no camera flash:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t34.0-12/14886207_1459405467407613_1436604375_n.jpg?oh=70f9 31746f381d0547eaf34383c70e56&oe=58198554&__gda__=1478064517_39577c9d3427d0a7b28589af4ecfbd6 0

Under camera flash:
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14875407_1459405454074281_1718459173_n.jpg?oh=707e 53d8219070dc249a96db84367655&oe=58196E9F

What do you think?

31-10-16, 17:33
looks about right to be honest, turkey can be very dry if you overcook it slightly. you didn`t eat the pink bits anyway so try not to worry. it certainly looks cooked to me and from your description the juices were clear which is the giveaway.

when you think some people happily eat raw eggs, raw liver, raw fish etc the human body can cope with a lot so try to relax you`ll be fine.

31-10-16, 17:43
Was that a curry sauce?

Positive thoughts

31-10-16, 17:46
Looks fine to me.

31-10-16, 17:49
Was that a curry sauce?

Positive thoughts

Yees it was haha! Or something like that. Thank you all, I am much calmer now.:hugs:

31-10-16, 18:07
Yees it was haha! Or something like that.

Love Curry! :yesyes: I may just have to order me some Thai tonight!

Positive thoughts