View Full Version : Imodium freak out

31-10-16, 17:18
So as you know I've posted a lot on here lately. Yesterday because I was of the diarreah I took two Imodium and now in more than 24 hours haven't been able to poo. I'm scared that all along it was a tumour and the Imodium has irritated it. I'm literally freaking out and couldn't concentrate today on my job as I thought I bet tonight I end up in hospital because they need to release the pressure in order for me to go to the toilet. What the hell is going on with me. I just want to curl up and eventually wake up when this is all over in a new life 😩

31-10-16, 17:24
those meds often bung you up for a bit. you not in and trouble until it gets over 4 days without going according to the nhs website

31-10-16, 17:25
Katy! Oh dear Hun, you are in a pickle. Trust me, Imodium does not irritate tumours - not that you've got one! It's done what it's meant to do and stopped the diarrhoea. It's nothing unusual to have a day or two without going and you're certainly not going to have a poo explosion!

You'll be fine I'm sure x

31-10-16, 17:27
imodium is very effective at stopping loose poos but works by stopping your lower colon from functioning temporarily. if you drink room temperature water with some lemon juice in it everything will settle again. its very unlikely to be a tumour, and imodium won`t have done any damage.

31-10-16, 18:51
Sounds like the Immodium is just doing its job - be thankful for 24 hours respite after the runs! I get IBS a fair bit and take Immodium every so often , and it's not unusual to be a bit bunged up for a day or so.

Diarrhoea is so very common for a number of mundane reasons, such as bugs and viruses, eating dodgy food, and stress, that you really don't need to go looking for sinister reasons for it.

31-10-16, 19:33
You will never get over this if you don't stop focussing on it.

Time to get some expert help.

31-10-16, 22:40
imodium is very effective at stopping loose poos but works by stopping your lower colon from functioning temporarily. if you drink room temperature water with some lemon juice in it everything will settle again. its very unlikely to be a tumour, and imodium won`t have done any damage.

"Lemon juice in it", what you mean in the rectum? :winks:

17-06-19, 08:45
Did anybody notice a bitter taste in mouth for some day after imodium??

17-06-19, 10:47
This is not a side effect although it can rarely cause dry mouth, which in theory could cause a strange taste.

If you took the orodispersible ('melt in your mouth') tablets, that could cause a chemical taste for a short while

17-06-19, 11:16
It was orodispersible tablet imodium...i found on the web it is from loperamide which is extremely bitter...
Or maybe the bitter tastr could be from the stomach bug...

17-06-19, 13:50

Either way I wouldn't give this a second thought. Probably just the stomach bug then.

Good luck

17-06-19, 17:27
Thank you! Try to not think about it anymore!