View Full Version : Don't know what to do

01-11-16, 01:15
Hi I'm male and my best friend (female) is dating my friend (male) I've always been afraid of him and I think he knows this cause he will use it against me, since my friend started dating him he's been a lot nicer because she will go mad at him if he's off with me, but recently he's told me he's going to 'kill me' (basically rough me up) if he ever breaks up with her so now I'm in a constant panic cause what if one day they break up? I can't fight cause I really don't like violence, recently I've been being extra kind so hopefully he will change his mind but he isn't and he reminds me as much as he can, every time I see him I get sweaty or start shaking, how can I stop this because I think his girlfriend (my friend) is starting to notice and I don't want to ruin there happiness. I just don't want to be on the bad side of him

02-11-16, 04:54
It sounds like alot of drama. Join brazillian jiu jitsu and learn to defend yourself.

02-11-16, 07:57
Hi I'm male and my best friend (female) is dating my friend (male) I've always been afraid of him and I think he knows this cause he will use it against me, since my friend started dating him he's been a lot nicer because she will go mad at him if he's off with me, but recently he's told me he's going to 'kill me' (basically rough me up) if he ever breaks up with her so now I'm in a constant panic cause what if one day they break up?

I'd question the term 'friend' when talking about this bloke. If you're afraid of him and he's threatened you, he's no friend.:unsure: