View Full Version : Adrenaline Surges like a roller coaster drop, very scared

01-11-16, 01:36
A couple of days ago, I cut open my finger during an accident at the gym and lost a little bit of blood, The nurse managed to patch up the wound with butterfly stitches and said it was only superficial. Since then as the days have gone on, I've been having these weird sensations in my body that start in my legs, but often work their way up through my torso and arms. It feels like I'm dropping from a roller coaster on the big drop down, like a huge rush of adrenaline that seems to have come in waves and feels really intense.

It's a constant feeling that has been leaving me all tense and anxious. I went to the hospital where I had a blood test done, but the results came back fine leaving me really unsettled. Since i didn't know how to explain what i am feeling, makes me feel like i'm going crazy.

I'm planning to go to my GP tomorrow to explain everything in further detail, but can anyone shed some light on what might be the problem?

Thank you in advance.

01-11-16, 20:00
Hey there,
Sucks you're having this symptom, I have had this one too! It is -as you say, adrenaline surges going through your body. Most anxiety symptoms are adrenaline related, including the *feeling* of adrenaline. It is nasty when it is uninvited (which it always is with anxiety!) but if you don't give it too much attention and just practice let it come without it frightening you it should start to subside. The problem with anxiety symptoms is it's usually something you've never known before, which in turn makes you anxious, which in turn brings on more of the symptom. Hope you feel better soon and things go well as the Docs!

01-11-16, 20:14
Could be completely unrelated to the finger.

Keep your mind open, and don't focus on trying to identify it yourself. Most likely is a muscular sensation causing you to panic.

I get weird sensations sometimes that suprise me, and my bodies reaction is to release adrenalin, which inevitable makes me worry.

Talk yourself down... and relax.

01-11-16, 21:32
Thanks for the responses!

It's a strange almost constant sensation that often gets worse when i'm not highly distracted or drinking water. I think what frightens me the most is that my mind dips into this negative pattern of thought, making me feel like i'll be stuck with it for the rest of my life, and it will reduce the enjoyment i get out of my day.

But rationally, i feel like it might be a stress response to the sudden shock i faced when cutting open my finger. It isn't a major injury when it happened, but I was shocked by the amount of blood that came out and thought i had cut open a vein or something. This sensation, oddly enough, calms down closer to bedtime.