View Full Version : Just want to feel normal

01-11-16, 05:51
Hello everyone. I've always had GAD and PD but have managed to control it quite well over the past few years. 9 weeks ago I had my youngest son and immediately started experiencing panic attacks again ... I've since been diagnosed with post partum anxiety. I'm also on day 9 of having tonsilltis and though it's better than it was a week ago I still have the feeling that I have something in my throat. Sometimes it just feels a bit swollen and other times it feels like a golf ball is in there. It's causing me to panic a lot and heightens my anxiety no end. Does anyone have any advice for me?

01-11-16, 06:00
Hiya helen83 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Sookie xx
04-11-16, 13:42
Hey... my anxiety went through the roof when I had my last child (I have 3) it was the overwhelming feeling of responsibility that got me most I think... it's hard enough becoming a new mummy but the added thought of the anxiety hanging over me made me feel more vulnerable. . It did get better with each day that I got through as I did cope, I was a good mum.. better than so that don't worry..haha.. but be proud of yourself and what you do achieve as it's not an easy job for anyone... sending hugs..x

04-11-16, 15:02
I had awful anxiety after my last child was born. Not everyone suffers from post natal depression, as they call it, but for those of us that are prone to anxiety it's to be expected with all the changes in hormone levels, not to mention too little sleep and a new baby to look after. And on top of that you have tonsillitis' you poor thing! No wonder your anxiety is high. I also get panicky when my tonsils swell, as you say, it feels like you have a golf ball in there. Gargle with warm salt water as often as you can. It really does help.
I remember my doctor gave me antidepressants after my baby was born and they did help.
But you'll probably feel a lot better once your tonsillitis clears up.