View Full Version : Any opticians out there?

01-11-16, 11:13

It appears that one of my eyes has started to turn outwards.

Why would this be?


01-11-16, 11:19
Can usually find them on the highstreet.

Go get checked!

01-11-16, 11:29

I have an appointment on Saturday, but am thinking brain tumour.....:weep:

01-11-16, 11:48

01-11-16, 11:50
The health anxiety sad face at the end - unfortunately a turn-off for me.

01-11-16, 11:53
Becasue thats how I think.

Hanshan, why? It shows how Im feeling right now. And thanks, you've just made me cry.

01-11-16, 12:05
You have health anxiety and from what you have said sounds a bit like depersonalisation. Getting a check is the right thing to do anyway and why not?
We should have our bits checked.
In the meantime, keep your mind occupied with other things.

Try not to get upset over 'remarks' on the forum.
It's happened to me many a time.
Think if it like this. Every one on here is suffering and you don't know what someone is going through and sometimes we may touch on a chord so-to-speak. x

02-11-16, 02:12
Hi Lizzie,

The health anxiety "sad face" usually comes directly after a statement that the person thinks they have some serious, possibly rapidly fatal illness (in your case brain tumour) - but with no evidence apart from some everyday symptoms that most people get from time to time. Basically, stop feeling sorry for yourself, have your eyes checked (most likely fine) and don't go Googling symptoms.

Unfortunately, people can and do get diagnosed with serious illnesses like cancer every day, but I have never yet seen a health anxiety sufferer on NMP who went to the doctor and had their worst fears confirmed. But if it happens, you deal with it.

02-11-16, 13:20
Brain tumour? Well that's an enormous leap of logic you've made there, which must only be after a whole lot of Googling medical websites you're not qualified to understand. Leave it to the professionals to assess and investigate.

02-11-16, 14:19
Becasue thats how I think.

Hanshan, why? It shows how Im feeling right now. And thanks, you've just made me cry.

Hi Lizzie,

All you can do is go and get your eyes checked and in the meantime try not to let your fear overwhelm you. Easier said than done, I know.

Oh, and flick the Vs up to the grumpy ones. It will make you feel better.:winks:

02-11-16, 14:34
I've worked in an opticians for 7 years.
By 'turning outwards' can you be a little more specific ?
Getting them checked is 100% the right thing to do.
Have only you noticed this, or have other people too?

02-11-16, 20:07
Hello Carrie

My daughter took a photo and one of my eyes was turning slightly outwards.

I managed to see the kind optician today and she said my eyes are straight.

I had the works the field test, everything.

She said if my eye was turning I would have double vision.

She gave me a special test to check for this and then demonstrated how my vision would be if my eye was turning out.

People have not commented, its only seen in photos.

WHat do you think?


02-11-16, 20:10
I managed to see the kind optician today and she said my eyes are straight.

Great stuff!

Has that reassured you Lizzie?

02-11-16, 20:13
I thought I had strabismus?

I do feel better but I dont know.

I said to her - so no brain tumour then?

She said that she couldnt see any red flags to send me to hospital.


02-11-16, 20:18
I said to her - so no brain tumour then?

She said that she couldnt see any red flags to send me to hospital.


I'd be reassured by that. X

02-11-16, 20:18
All clear then. Fantastic :)

03-11-16, 00:08
I am a certified Optometric assistant. If your eye indeed is turning out ... it's called exophoria. It is a muscle imbalance. Nothing major. The muscles in that eye are weaker. Only when they create symptoms like headaches and strain do they need to be treated. In that case it would be prism in eye glasses to pull the muscles back into place. Usually after trying manual exercises to see if that helps. Try reading more to strengthen. Patch the opposite eye. There's many tips I can give. It's not a symptom AT ALL of brain tumor!

03-11-16, 09:24
Hello Iaine

Thank you for replying.

Im still so worried - I Googled and it said if eyes turn out in adults it could be a brain tumour.

I showed my optician my photos and she said yes, your eye does appear to be turning but she tested me and said it was straight! Im so confused.

She said if I did indeed have a turning eye then I would have double vision too.

On another site, Ive been told to get a brain CT.

Today, I feel sick with worry - such a bad feeling of impending doom.

Can I ask you - could my eye turn and I not have double vision?

Thank you


03-11-16, 09:32
I will only post one thing, and it will be short, but important... so read it.

If you go looking for evidence to confirm your irrational assumption that you have a brain tumour, you will find it. If you go looking for rational explanations of what is likely to be the problem, you will find it.

Seek, and you shall find.

03-11-16, 10:16
This is something we all go though with HA from time to time.

1. You think there's something wrong.
2. You Google it.
3. You freak out and convince yourself you have something nasty! (Usually based on layman's misunderstanding of complicated medical websites)
4. You get the thing in step 1 checked out.
5. You get the all clear!
6. But the fear in step 3 still remains and you can't shake it.

But if the "symptoms" in step 1 have the all clear, you are literally worrying about the fear in step 3 for nothing.

You did the right thing getting it checked out, you have the all clear, trust the professionals and try and move on. :)

03-11-16, 10:33
If the optometrist saw nothing wrong, please be reassured. They study eyes daily for a living, know a hell of a lot more about eyes than GP's and if she was at all worried, she would have referred you to an ophthalmologist.
Relax, you're fine