View Full Version : Skin Vision App.... freaking out a wee bit!

01-11-16, 14:09
So I downloaded the Skin Vision app a while ago to keep track of my moles. All my scary moles have all come back as low risk which is good!
However.... this morning I decided to take a pic of a mole on my face which I've had for years and was never ever concerned about.... medium risk showing possible rapid growth!!!! Wtf?! Absolutely freaking out! It looks normal in every aspect! I can't remember when it became a bit raised but that's it! FML!

01-11-16, 14:25
I just had a look and that app has terrible reviews, and looks like a scam to get worried people into expensive monthly subscriptions. If you have concerns about it see a doctor, but don't worry what some crappy phone app tells you.

01-11-16, 14:32
I wasn't concerned in the slightest but feel I should see a dermatologist now!!

01-11-16, 14:40
Dont bother with the apps, if you are worries see a gp/dermatogist and the usual rule of try not google too much about your moles

01-11-16, 14:49
An app is no better than Dr. Google. It's an electronic program, not a human being! If you want to spend your hard earned money for reassurance, that's up to you but I believe this will be another "told ya so" situation.

Positive thoughts

01-11-16, 14:50
Yeah that's true. Hate this sick to the stomach feeling!