View Full Version : Please help I'm really scared!!

01-11-16, 14:23
Well I finally did it and went to gp this morning about this all over under skin itching I've been having daily.There was a trainee in there with her too so I explained my symptoms and she looked over my skin,asked me a few questions whether I've changed my soap powder,eaten anything different or changed any medication...then she turned to the trainee and said what tests do you think I'm going to run?and she replied liver function!gp then said yes well done also kidney function and iron...now my worst fear is liver disease as on stupid google under skin prickly itching is a sign that or kidneys and I'm petrified :weep:I have to go in tomorrow for blood tests and won't know my results till Friday.Im so Anxious over this now I feel physically sick with worry feel like I'm walking around in a bubble..also I did mention I suffer anxiety and could it be that?she said did it start when you felt typically anxious and I said no I was feeling ok when it started and she said well it's not that then!i thought maybe the mind subconsciously makes you itch even when your not thinking about it?especially when you zoom in and worry about it :unsure:maybe I'm wrong! Please help:flowers:xx

01-11-16, 14:47
I know of two other people in my little hometown alone who sufferedfrom this itchy skin complaint, and both of them are quite anxious people. The condition obviously caused more anxiety and they got caught in that vicious circle.

I get a lot of anxiety and HA and I do get itchy skin but It's never been a big problem for me.

Of course you feel overly anxious now that you've been ordered to have blood tests done.
The doctors have no option really but to do tests when we go to them with problems, but anxiety, consciously or subconsciously causes a whole host of symptoms.

I would say that if you had a kidney problem you would have other obvious symptoms, same goes for liver.

But don't google, it plays havoc with your mind and your anxiety.

I know it seems like a long time to wait until Friday for the results, but I'm quite sure they'll be clear and then you'll feel better.

Sometimes doctors have no idea what they're putting us anxiety sufferers through.....

01-11-16, 14:55
Thankyou for your quick reply hun :hugs:an "on" itchy skin I could deal with better as I'd just rub some cream on and be done with it but as it's deep under feeling I thinking it's in my blood,liver,kidneys ,fear,doom,hospital,death etc you know what our minds are like! Then I think is my mind this powerful to make me feel this itchy or is it an actual medical issue xx

01-11-16, 15:00
Hi Ceri,

The stress response is responsible for this symptom and I get it a LOT. It causes the nerves to be over stimulated. I have itching where it's on the inside and I can scratch until the cows come home and it doesn't make any difference. I have also become increasingly sensitive to a lot more things than before, like soap powder and bubble bath etc.

Medication can also cause this sensation..

Bringing your stress levels down will improve this symptom. The more you focus on it, the worse it will be which applies to any symptoms of anxiety.

I always think it's best that you mention to medical professionals that you suffer with anxiety so they are aware that the jargon they use might have you hyperventilating into a paper bag fairly quickly. Though tbh, some of them have the people skills of a wheelie bin.:whistles:

Stay strong until Friday when I'm sure you'll get the all clear.

01-11-16, 15:22
Yes, it's a sort of creeping feeling under the skin and no amount of scratching relieves it. Actually I get it down below and also on my pubic mound. Never been able to find out what causes it, no infection, no soap products. Could be a nerve thing though. I also get it on my arms.

I've had anxiety for over 20 years now and quite honestly 95% of my symptoms come from that. I'm actually really healthy! But I always have something going on. I don't go to the Dr's much because I know they'll be confused, won't know what to do and so will send me for more, unnecessary tests.

As NoraB says, the more you focus on it, the worse it gets and the longer it lasts.

01-11-16, 15:40
Beckybecks, Under skin itching, burning sensations and the urge to scratch yourself to pieces are classic signs of anxiety.
it annoys me when GP's have no knowledge of the violent symptoms anxiety can cause and even more so allowing a trainee to diagnose someone with high anxiety.

I've had all three symptoms including the feeling of what feels like ants running up and down your legs and it was ALL anxiety. x

---------- Post added at 15:40 ---------- Previous post was at 15:39 ----------

Sorry Beckybecks, I meant to say Ceri. x

01-11-16, 19:31
Thankyou all so very much for your kind replies I will let you know how I get on with my results I'm praying they will be ok xx

01-11-16, 20:29
Medicine is largely a process of elimination, and there will be routine tests done with certain presenting symptoms, but it'll be to rule out unlikely possibilities, not due to any suspicion of anything sinister. Normally we wouldn't really know what tests were being done, you were just unlucky to overhear some instruction to a student. I know it's hard but try not to put any significance to it, they're just doing their job and being thorough.

I'm not sure I agree with the bit about it not being anxiety-related, the worst I've ever been with anxiety symptoms was at a time when I wasn't knowingly stressed, which is what sent me into a spiral of health anxiety.

04-11-16, 14:00
Hi everyone just to let you all know my blood results came back normal thank goodness!!! It's mad to think this deep itching is down to anxiety even when I felt ok the itching is so intense and under the skin it drives me nuts,but at least it's nothing sinister. I suppose I'll have to put up with it and hope it eventually passes.Thankyou all so much for your helpful replies xx

04-11-16, 14:04
So pleased to hear your results are clear. I'm sure that now you've been given this reassurance the symptom will soon leave. Hopefully today!