View Full Version : Scared of MS

01-11-16, 15:08
Hi everyone,

I posted a thread before about brain tumor scare, but I think I have gotten past that fear, and have moved on to a fear of MS. I am waiting for my ct scan of my sinus and brain which the doctor ordered to just rule out a brain tumor, but he wants to check my sinus because I have a little congestion, and I do smell cigarette smoke daily.

I started to get some muscle twitches in my left arm, and they have moved in my right shoulder, and my hand. i also have felt them in my other arm, and I have felt them in my legs.

I am feeling brain fog and confusion at work, but when I was at home I don't, and I also have some blurred vision in y left eye. it is like it is slightly weaker than my right when i read things. I wear progressive lenses while at work because I am staring at 2 computer screens all day. I am scared of MS, because I have read about blurred vision being a early symptom.

Does anyone have any experience with this from their past?

01-11-16, 16:12
I went through some pretty severe MS fear a year or so ago, due to tingling, and got the all clear. The upshot is there are three things to remember that should give you comfort, firstly MS affects individual nerves and so things that roam round the body are unlikely to be MS. Secondly, nerve twitches are not presenting symptoms, and some doubt they're even MS symptoms. Thirdly MS is a rare illness, far rarer than our fear of it.

If you stare at computers all day blurred vision isn't particularly remarkable, especially if you combine it with stress and/or tiredness.

01-11-16, 16:35
Thanks Ax!

I think I have been having these twitches in my body for years. I know I have had them in my finger for years. It is this brain fog, and confusion that has gotten me scared. It is like I really have to concentrate to type a sentence, or to speak to a colleague, whereas before I could just have stuff roll off of my tongue. i am a salesperson and i need to be able to speak and be sharp.

It scares me when i saw the link to MS symptoms on Dr Google. I know i have HA, and I try to tell myself that this is the cause, but I still have that thought in the back of my mind that this could be something serious.

The funny thing is, is that I didn't have the fog at home watching tv last night with my wife.