View Full Version : IBS, coeliac or something more serious?

01-11-16, 16:56
18 year old male. All of this kicked off back in August where I had a straight 2 weeks of intense abdominal discomfort - bloating, cramps, extreme fatigue. I went to the doctors and she just said it was "probably a stomach virus" as by then most of the symptoms had gone away. I was fine for a few weeks, and then it came back again. I did a blood test (not sure of what, I would assume routine) + a stool test for faecal calprotectin (to rule out IBD) which came back fine. Then my symptoms went away again, and then came back again. That's been the story of the last two months, waves of stomach/bowel/fatigue issues. Right now I'm awaiting results for blood tests on coeliac and thyroid. My doctor told me if these two tests come back normal then I have "IBS-A", however I have never had a colonoscopy or endoscopy to rule out anything sinister which is what I'm worried about.

Also, I'm not sure if the genetic component is significant but my grandmother has coeliac disease, and I think a few of my aunties and uncles do aswell, or at least some kind of lactose allergy, but I'm not aware of anything my parents have.

Full list of symptoms I've had:
- Stomach bloating/cramps
- Lots and lots of burping/farting
- Alternating constipation/diarrhea, very sporadic bowel movements (e.g 2-days of nothing, then a day of 4 bowel movements of loose diarrhea. sorry for TMI!) eventually ended up having pain I got checked for and found out I had piles. Also occasionally have mucus in stool.
- Tiredness in limbs, particularly my legs feel a bit wobbly and fatigued most of the time.
- Fairly regular headaches
- Weight has yoyo'd up and down over the last few months
- Pain in my joints and limbs (left knee when I walk, right elbow right now for no reason, woke up this morning with random pains shooting up my arms for 2 minutes then it went)
- Weird 'circulation' issues like tingling in my hands and feet when I walk up a flight of stairs.

And since I'm posting here you could probably guess I've had bad health anxiety over all of this.

01-11-16, 18:43
Could be coeliac. When do you get your results

01-11-16, 19:09
I'm not sure, I got tested last Wednesday and they're not in yet.

01-11-16, 19:17
Thomas - if the something sinister you're talking about begins with C, it doesn't go away. It doesn't cause symptoms, stop for a while, come back and go again. So, try and put that out of your mind. X

01-11-16, 19:27
Thank you very much :)

01-11-16, 19:47
Thank you very much :)

You've very welcome x

01-11-16, 20:35
The bowel stuff and circulation problems sound a lot like what I experience with anxiety.

02-11-16, 14:58
Apparently coeliac results take 3 weeks to come back, I'll update here 2 weeks from now!

02-11-16, 15:20

Maggy May
12-11-16, 03:26
Sounds pretty much the same symptoms as I had before being diagnosed. There is also a lot of wheat intolerance around so that may be another option. Do you have a gluten heavy diet? I always found after having a pizza or a few beers my symptoms would be sooo much worse. If your bloods come back ok it may be worth trying a gluten free diet just to see if it makes a difference. If the bloods are indicative of coeliac you will also need an endoscopy for a full diagnosis so I wouldn't stop eating gluten until after that as it can effect the results. Either way drop me a pm if you do go gluten free, I have some killer gf recipes.