View Full Version : Its Monday Again....

02-04-07, 22:15
Which means my anxiety is going bananas.

My stomach is killing me, I feel so sick, and can't stop shaking. My bf has disappeared to the pub again on the promise he won't come back steaming drunk (how many times have I heard that before).

I'm so so fed up of feeling this way, its every week now. If I can't let him see his mates once a week then what sort of a girlfriend am I?

I would drive to my mum's but I don't trust myself to get there due to my anxiety.

I want to cry but no tears will come, I've taken my meds but its almost as if my brain is trying to override it :weep:

02-04-07, 22:17
I hate Monday's

I NEVER sleep Sunday night knowing I have to go to work today and I am absolutely shattered and very grumpy tonight.

This is why the Boomtown Rats wrote that song!

02-04-07, 22:25
Aww Fran

Sending BIG HUGS to you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I hope Tuesday and the rest of the week are better for you !



02-04-07, 22:29
It usually picks up a bit from tomorrow onwards, but on Friday I'll end up feeling pretty similar, its a vicious cycle, and unfortunately cos I'm in the cycle its hard to break - cos I expect it, it happens cos I think it will happen.

My neighbours are being more noisy than usual tonight too which is putting me on edge.

I need to go and speak to a therapist or something, as I do not believe this is going to go away quietly. How should I go about it? I don't really want to go to the GP's and say refer me to a therapist or something, incase he doesn't feel I need to. I need to talk to someone though :(

02-04-07, 22:38
You can go private but it will cost!

My sessions were £95 for 50 minutes so not cheap

02-04-07, 22:40
Wooow that much!!! I don't have that sort of money at the moment.

My bf's sister is learning how to do reiki at the moment, so I wouldn't mind giving that a go.

I'm calm now but give it 10 mins and it'll come back again. I hate this thing so much

03-04-07, 09:16
Hi Fran I pay £90 for my sessions and it is a lot but worth it. Howevr, many therapists charge a lot less. I was just fortunate to find someone I really clicked with and stuck with her despite the cost. It's crippling at times but would rather be well and broke than have cash and be anxious!