View Full Version : Hello.

01-11-16, 19:38
I thought I would introduce myself. My name's Hannah and I'm 31, I've had health anxiety and panic attacks since I was 16. I've been on nomorepanic before, in fact it was an amazing place when I was at my worst and helped me greatly!

I have had a few good years of little to no anxiety and panic, life was great until it wasn't. My anxiety returned a few months ago and it's rubbish. I've managed so far to not let it get completely out of control but it's awfully tiring. Trying to act normal when I'm freaking out inside is flipping hard. I went to the doctors and got a prescription for Propranolol as I had it last time but this time it made me feel very low and didn't really have a major effect. I'm not taking any other meds as the last time I did the side effects made me feel the worst I've ever felt.

So that's just a little about me. Thanks for reading and thank you in advance for the advice I am sure to request in the future.

Hannah x

01-11-16, 19:47
Hiya Hannahlob84 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-11-16, 19:51
Hi Hannah, what strength was the propranalol? for anxiety it will calm your heart and stop you shaking but not affect your mood.

Take care

01-11-16, 19:54
Hi Hannah, good to see you.

Any idea what triggered the anxiety and panic again? I find there is usually something that happens that brings it back.

01-11-16, 21:12

Venusbluejeans, thank you for your warm welcome. Nomorepanic helped me so much in the past when I felt like I was the only one in the world to feel like I did so I have no doubts I will find comfort and support here. Thank you x

Surfingwaves, thank you. The doctor prescribed me 40mg to take a day, split in to 20mg in the morning and night. It just didn't have the same effect it had last time and it really did make me feel really low. But perhaps that was just me, I lost faith in meds a few years ago when sertraline nearly broke me, I'm probably just a mess pessamist now.

SLA, thank you for your welcome. I was having a bad time at work, a horrible time In fact and had some serious man troubles. It could have been a combination of both of these things however I'm not sure as over the last few anxiety free years I've dealt with a lot worse and managed to get through it all without anxiety returning. It truest knocked me for six because I thought I had overcome it but I'm now trying to see that was silly. Anxiety is something that I will have to live with on and off throughout my life and I need to come to terms with that because I haven't before. Does that make sense.

Thank you for your replies x