View Full Version : Feeling like can't breathe properly bringing on panic?

01-11-16, 20:08
Hi, I had my first major panic in a while just before, started in Asda -and I am not too sure what happened other than I was suddenly trying to get a breath and literally physically jumped/jerked as I tried to swallow quickly so I could get a breath (thankfully no one saw me down the baby clothes aisle!) We left quickly and over the next hour major panic attack ensued! (which am thankfully over now!)
I keep getting this at night lately too -I'll just suddenly feel like I need to breathe and suddenly sit up forcing myself to breathe quickly. Just wonder does anyone else get this?

01-11-16, 21:47
You're probably just stressed out over something, but what might that be? If you can figure it out, you can perhaps do something about it, or ask other people to help you with whatever it is that is not working for you right now.

01-11-16, 23:02
fear of not being able to breathe must be up there on the top fears for anyone and its very natural and normal to go `what the hell was that` if you`ve suddenly felt like you`re choking or not breathing how you normally would.
I used to have this and would literally make sure I spoke in short sentences in case I ran out of breath, couldn`t eat in front of people in case they expected me to speak, basically tied myself in knots because the fear was coming ahead of my daily life.

if you think that when you`re asleep you breathe fine, it shows that your body can handle things beautifully. when you have chance take a few minutes to really breathe calmly so that you see your stomach rise and fall, not your chest, this is deep diaphragmatic breathing and is shown to help reduce stress. breathe in a cycle roughly in for 3 seconds, hold for 4, out for 5 for a minute or so to start with.

this not only physically helps but it shows you are in control and it will reassure you

hope this helps, take care

02-11-16, 11:57
Thanks very much people. I have had on going stress lately -because I've had worsening symptoms over the last year or two I've been very worried about it, which has probably added, and on top of that a very stressful couple years after having my first baby.
Thanks about the breathing exercises too. I do have singing lessons and the breathing for singing really helps, but I've not been singing because of how bad I've felt!