View Full Version : Could really use a friend right now

Lost all hope
01-11-16, 22:47
Just need a hug and to tell me I'm going to be ok? I feel bloody awful not had any sleep an looks like I won't get any tonight! All of a sudden my anxiety has come back with a vengeance well I think it's anxiety!
I wasn't doing to bad.
Iv had enough :weep:

01-11-16, 22:55
:bighug1: oooof!! have some of that !!

unless you`ve had anxiety you`d think we were all making it up, I can`t think of many illnesses that can prance around pretending to be so many other things. this week alone I actually have got a bad cold but the slight loss of balance, head rushes, fatigue etc have very very nearly had me going down the road of panic again.

please don`t think I`m an expert, but I find really taking stock of things helps me so am I really getting the sleep I need, should I have another two or three choccy biscuits etc, and start to see yourself almost as a garden to be weeded and looked after.

lack of sleep is pure horrors, one or two nights maybe but once you are worried it can be a problem so again sleep when you can but ideally get into a routine so no late telly or phone us, keep the room cool and airy, all basic stuff but it will help

and remember no one on here is 100% yet or we wouldn`t be on here so keep posting when you need help or hugs there`s always someone around for you

Lost all hope
01-11-16, 23:00
Aww thankyou hope your doing better then I am lol
It really is hard to get it into our heads that it's anxiety that's causing these awful things? Sometimes just a hug and knowing people care make all the difference.

01-11-16, 23:08
I never think I`m fixed, most days I sort of stumble through as best as I can, but today I`m pretty good so am able to dish out big hugs when they are needed :D

I know myself that a lot of the problem is thinking other people are better at this living game than us weirdos with anxiety, but maybe we`re just more honest about our fears?

take care and keep hopeful because it really can and will get better. oh and I`d avoid anything caffeinated after about 6pm I found that helps too. sleep tight.

12-11-16, 13:26
Well, sometimes you just have to do the right actions and it is going to be okey. If you start training and eat healthy food that I guarantee it is going to be okey.

13-11-16, 02:24
:hugs: Its going to be ok.

13-11-16, 07:17
a big hug on its way to you ,anxiety in the day no sleep at night im the same ive got to a pouint where i dislike going to bed but my husband got me a thing where you download music on a ipad and when you wake you listen to your favourite music it does help .you are not alone ,if you need a chat anytime please pm me im a good listener take care:)

Bike Rider
13-11-16, 12:46
:hugs: You will be fine, one day at a time. I am similar to you, I was fine until a month ago and then wham, back it came anxiety, feeling down, no incentive to do anything.

But try to keep going along and hope that things will ease up. Take care.

13-11-16, 13:10
Just need a hug and to tell me I'm going to be ok? I feel bloody awful not had any sleep an looks like I won't get any tonight! All of a sudden my anxiety has come back with a vengeance well I think it's anxiety!
I wasn't doing to bad.
Iv had enough :weep:

Sending hugs :hugs:

It's horrible when you don't get any sleep or can't sleep. I always feel like a zombie the next day. I too have some moments where I feel no anxiety and then all of a sudden my anxiety is sky high. Take things slowly. You will be ok. :)

Lost all hope
13-11-16, 20:44
Thanks for the replys :) iv just started seeing a therapist an I'm seeing her tomorrow so hopefully that will help, can I also ask does anybody have really weird dreams which are quite scary that's what wakes me up an I'm soaked with sweating then need a wee really badly?
I need a wee about 3 times during the night?

17-11-16, 19:26
How did it went?

18-11-16, 07:38
aww big hugs ,anxiety is the pits i get through the day the best i can ,sleep is awfull i got to a point where i hated going to bed .i see a therapist next week so i hope that will help .my husband said why not try adult colouring books so i have and it does help .you are not alone we are here if you need to talk